I put the LED light strip against one of the headers at the bottom of the board and it shut down, silly little four pin thing. The motherboard lights are all on when the power is plugged in but when I try and start the PC it lights up for a second, the fans start to spin then it just shuts down. The LED stays at 00. *It's a brand new PSU, I tried removing the RAM and taking out the Round battery, tried pressing all the little buttons this board has on it and at the back. Is what I did enough to kill a CPU?
Any help would be appreciated, I don't even know what a short is, I have unplugged the PC in the hope it will start up later. * *
I have a water cooler and am wondering if that may be dead, the fans start on it. The thought of having to take that out and try an air cooler is annoying as I just threw out all my old stuff.*