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AURA joys, not!!

Level 9
My system - Zenith II Extreme + 3960x
Hmm...even more things are bugging out. Further to my recent post re Ryzen Master problem, we have a new one, and I'm a bit concerned about this one from a user perspective.
New problem: Aura functionality bugs out after several days of successful use with a bizarre popup window informing the user that:-
"AuraService is currently unavailable. Please close Aura and check if AuraService is installed and started properly"

--> ok, primary problem with this message is that ALL the software concerned is your own (Asus) and thus, why on earth are you not able to perform effective auto troubleshooting yourself ?? The second issue I have is that you make an assumption upon the user that he/she is tech savvy enough to know what your cryptic message means, and knows where to head - and then, can miraculously fill in the essential gap between the last word in your popup and getting the problem fixed.
--> I get the very strong feeling QA/extensive thorough testing is waay down on your list of priorities - this (these!) issue/s appear/s early on in new build...surely a 'minimum build' was extensively tested and passed? Yes, it's new tech but I expect a minimal level of both pre-testing and auto-troubleshooting.

Aaanyway, justifiable rant over (cost of this set-up), can you provide a speedy solution to both this and my earlier Ryzen Master thread?

Level 8
AuraService is currently unavailable. - is a main state of this sofware 99% of time

Level 9
The Aura software has always been terrible. Support/Service for any of their products is also the equivalent of a Goiodwill bargian bin.

At least once a week I have to reapply my settings for Aura, because it simply forgets that I've ever actually applied them. The PC will boot up, and the RGB randomly decides that several (if not all) of the channels will now be something other than what I've set. Simply rebooting to see if Aura will 'remember' the settings is useless, as once it's borked itself, there's no going back, I have to manually change them to what they're supposed to be again.