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VG27AQ1A turns black

Level 7

a few months back I bought the VG27AQ1A monitor. Every time I make a cold start of the PC, after about 5 minutes, the screen turns black for a few seconds. This happens only once each session, so it isn't that much of an issue.At first I though this was the cable, so I tried a few out, then I though it was perhaps the system itself, so I tried the monitor on 4 different PCs with different GPUs, turned Gsync on and off, installed different drivers (also the monitordriver from the Asus homepage). The problem persisted. Then I sent the monitor back and got a new one...same problem.
Other monitors in my houshold don't have this issue.

Is it normal for this monitor? I mean I've read the other threads with similar problems, but there it happens again and again in one session, so my problem is a little bit different. Or is it a Nvidia-driver issue (though I've tried a few different drivers)?

Level 12
What video card are you using ?

This firmware update for nvidia cards might be the issue, no harm in trying it only works of cards that require the update.

Thank you for the answer.
The GPUs I used are GTX 980ti, 1080, 1080ti and 760.
The update is already installed. Just to be sure I tried installing it again and the program only states, that the update is already installed.

Level 12
There is WHQL driver

I would be going with ASUS ticket support on the monitor, follow the advice given and be leaning towards RMA then, sounds like you found a gremlin. Other choice is to RMA via the place of purchase, if australia, go that way we have strong consumer laws. other issue is lockdowns are grinding eveything down / factor that in in which way you go. ASUS have site in melb for RMA off memory.

My "main"PC still has this issue, but after I installed the all the firmare updates on the PC with gtx 980ti, it seems that the problem is not there anymore. Though I've only tested it for about 1hr so far. But this occured always after the first 3-5 I guess this problem isn't with the monitor, but with my system.
Tomorrow I will try to install an older Nvidia driver on the main-PC, because the one with the 980ti hasn't received driverupdates or over a year...

Silverwombat wrote:
My "main"PC still has this issue, but after I installed the all the firmware updates on the PC with gtx 980ti, it seems that the problem is not there anymore. Though I've only tested it for about 1hr so far. But this occurred always after the first 3-5 I guess this problem isn't with the monitor, but with my system.
Tomorrow I will try to install an older Nvidia driver on the main-PC, because the one with the 980ti hasn't received driver updates or over a year...

Did you manage to fix the issue I seem to be having the same thing where the screen goes black around 20-30 mins for a few seconds after startup ... doesn't happen later ... I though it was because the screen was waking up from sleep caused this issue. Then I tried to power off the monitor on restarts but it happened again.

I have looked at all forums and everything I could google but cant find a solution. My monitor is 2 months old and I tried the firmware update but apparently it isn't for my gpu which is a RTX 2080.

I dont think its the monitor and since it only happens once every time I boot the system. So kinda hesitant to RMA the monitor since it will take them ages and I don't have a secondary monitor as backup.

No, the issue on the main PC is still there. Couldn't solve it. It isn't the issue of the individual monitor. I have returned the monitor twice and I had the issue with all 3 monitors...So my guess is, that there is either an issue with a driver (though my other monitor, which is connected at the same time ++to the same GPU doesn't have this issue).

Level 12
The plot thickens, maybe if that does solve the issue, you might want to consider doing windows reset and see if that works on the main-pc.