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What's your acceptable FPS?

Level 8
I don't get all the fuss about the desperation of getting 60+ fps, yes there is a very noticeable difference between 60 and 30, but 30 is by every mean still providing a good gaming experience...Plus I'll sacrifice some extra fps any day for good looks 😜
But that is just my opinion, what do you think?

Level 10
Depends on the game, for example, in CoD 4, having a very high FPS (150+) enabled you to jump higher (which is why many servers kicked you if your FPS max was over 125)

But on most games I agree with you, I prefer having 30-40 FPS with all on max settings than having 60+ FPS and having to lower the settings.

Level 10
HulkSmash wrote:
I don't get all the fuss about the desperation of getting 60+ fps, yes there is a very noticeable difference between 60 and 30, but 30 is by every mean still providing a good gaming experience...Plus I'll sacrifice some extra fps any day for good looks 😜
But that is just my opinion, what do you think?

Yeah I prefer looks over fps... ~30 fps is fine for me 🙂

I prefer FPS over detail level.
I must run with v-sync active just becouse i cant play when i see tearing. So i need a FPS over 60 at all times to be happy, i can accept dips down to 55-58fps if its just in some areas where there are much explosions or something like that.

Dont rly run around and look at all the details in the games these days so i gues thats why i can turn down everything to the lowest except resolution.

Kawazu wrote:
I prefer FPS over detail level.
I must run with v-sync active just becouse i cant play when i see tearing. So i need a FPS over 60 at all times to be happy, i can accept dips down to 55-58fps if its just in some areas where there are much explosions or something like that.

Dont rly run around and look at all the details in the games these days so i gues thats why i can turn down everything to the lowest except resolution.

v-sync only limits your max FPS to your monitor's refresh rate. For instance, if you have a 60Hz refresh rate and your FPS with v-sync off is around 80-100. This causes screen tearing as the monitor is not able to display the amount of frames the GPU is outputting causing it to skip a number of frames which we in turn see as the tearing. It in no way makes your FPS higher, if say your monitor is 120Hz.

It makes no sense what-so-ever to enable v-sync if you "need" your FPS to always be over 60. If you need 60+ FPS and your monitor has a refresh rate of over 60, then turn v-sync off; because for all intents and purposes, it's not doing a damn thing.

Level 10
It all depends really.. Ideally when it comes to gaming you have a few issues that arise...

Firstly above 30fps is good, under that is bad.. reccomended fps is 60+. Now some games you can run with 30 fps and full quality but others where cpu is and gpu have heavy loads under about 40fps you will experience input lag.. under 30 input lag gets really bad and you cant play so it all depends on the game..

Input lag can be heavily reduced by changes your pre-rendered frames from default 3 to 2 or 1..

When it comes to v-sync it should really always be OFF.. and instead set to adaptive... Normal v-sync is really bad as your frames cannot drop and increase gradually. Instead they get syncronised to 10-20-30-40-50-60.. There is no real time fluctuation and that jump between frame brackets causes stuttering which is 10x worse than screen tear lol.. Screen tear only occurs if u are shooting over your screens refresh rate or if u are going way below it.. Either way Adaptive v-sync is the way to go as it keep it off and only turns it on when u need it 🙂