Hey. Thanks for the quick reply. So I did have one EPS CPU connector missing and I plugged it it and tried to boot again. This time I got Q-code AE, which my ASUS manual says is a "Legacy Boot event". The keyboard and mouse light up now, but the screen still does not come on and does not get me into the BIOS. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch.
Also, I am connecting to my monitor using the Display port, but connecting using the HMDI cable still results in a AE code. I made sure my GPU to PSU PCI-e connectors were tight, as well as all the other cables coming from my PSU. All my case fans, CPU cooler fans, and GPU fans are running.
Edit: Ok so I now also tried plugging in the DVI port from the GPU to the monitor and it booted into BIOS! Motherboard code reads A2 and I will try to work in the BIOS now to get this thing running.
Edit2: It appears everything is working fine. I installed Windows 7 and am loading the software DVDs now. Thanks for your help HiVizMan!