04-20-2020 07:08 AM - last edited Sunday
Hi everyone,
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS ROG RTK-Dolby) :
ASUS ROG Realtek|Dolby Atmos motherboards :
Install/Update Process :
/!\ If you already had Realtek (HD) Audio Driver, Realtek Audio Control/Console, Dolby Access installed /!\
Uninstall them (Start > Settings > Apps) then restart your PC
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Check the boxes of all versions of drivers which .inf starts with (if you find them) :
a-volute | avolute | dax | dts | extrtxusb | hdx | realtek | rtdusbad
Check the box "Force Deletion" then click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Launch "Install.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > "Next" > The installer will ask you to restart your PC > "Finish"
Go in "Apps" folder > Install your apps from the Microsoft Store shortcuts
Launch "Update.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > Restart your PC when the command prompt window disappears
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Click on the "Select Old Driver(s)" button > Click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Note : Your apps will be updated automatically via the Microsoft Store.
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS ROG SS3-DTS) :
ASUS ROG SS3 & SS3|DTS Sound Unbound motherboards :
Install/Update Process :
/!\ If you already had Realtek (HD) Audio Driver, Realtek Audio Control/Console, Sonic Studio/Radar III, DTS Sound Unbound installed /!\
Uninstall them (Start > Settings > Apps) then restart your PC
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Check the boxes of all versions of drivers which .inf starts with (if you find them) :
a-volute | avolute | dax | dts | extrtxusb | hdx | realtek | rtdusbad
Check the box "Force Deletion" then click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Launch SS3 Cleaner by right-click Run as admin
Press Windows key + X > "Device Manager" > "View" > Check "Show hidden devices" > "Sofware components" category
Uninstall these hidden devices by right-click Uninstall device (if you find them) then restart your PC :
DTS Audio Effects Component | DTS APO4x Service Component
Launch "Install.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > "Next" > The installer will ask you to restart your PC > "Finish"
Go in "Apps" folder > Install your apps from the Microsoft Store shortcuts
Update your SS3 apps : Sonic Studio III v3.16.24.0 | Sonic Radar III v3.16.24.0
Launch "Update.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > Restart your PC when the command prompt window disappears
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Click on the "Select Old Driver(s)" button > Click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Note : Your apps will be updated automatically via the Microsoft Store.
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS ROG/TUF/PRIME/ProArt RTK) :
ASUS ROG/TUF/PRIME/ProArt Realtek motherboards :
Install/Update Process :
/!\ If you already had Realtek (HD) Audio Driver, Realtek Audio Control/Console installed /!\
Uninstall them (Start > Settings > Apps) then restart your PC
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Check the boxes of all versions of drivers which .inf starts with (if you find them) :
a-volute | avolute | dax | dts | extrtxusb | hdx | realtek | rtdusbad
Check the box "Force Deletion" then click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button then restart your PC
Launch "Install.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > "Next" > The installer will ask you to restart your PC > "Finish"
Go in "Apps" folder > Install your app from the Microsoft Store shortcut
Launch "Update.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > Restart your PC when the command prompt window disappears
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Click on the "Select Old Driver(s)" button > Click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Note : Your apps will be updated automatically via the Microsoft Store.
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS TUF/PRIME DTSX Ultra) :
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS AP) :
ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS:X Ultra & DTS Audio Processing motherboards :
Install/Update Process :
/!\ If you already had Realtek (HD) Audio Driver, Realtek Audio Control/Console, DTS:X Ultra or DTS Audio Processing installed /!\
Uninstall them (Start > Settings > Apps) then restart your PC
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Check the boxes of all versions of drivers which .inf starts with (if you find them) :
a-volute | avolute | dax | dts | extrtxusb | hdx | realtek | rtdusbad
Check the box "Force Deletion" then click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button then restart your PC
Launch "Install.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > "Next" > The installer will ask you to restart your PC > "Finish"
Go in "Apps" folder > Install your apps from the Microsoft Store shortcuts
Launch "Update.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > Restart your PC when the command prompt window disappears
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Click on the "Select Old Driver(s)" button > Click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Note : Your apps will be updated automatically via the Microsoft Store.
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS HPXv1) :
- Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS Custom) :
ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS Headphone:X v1 & DTS Custom motherboards :
Install/Update Process :
/!\ If you already had Realtek (HD) Audio Driver, Realtek Audio Control/Console, DTS Headphone:X v1 or DTS Custom installed /!\
Uninstall them (Start > Settings > Apps) then restart your PC
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Check the boxes of all versions of drivers which .inf starts with (if you find them) :
a-volute | avolute | dax | dts | extrtxusb | hdx | realtek | rtdusbad
Check the box "Force Deletion" then click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button then restart your PC
Launch "Install.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > "Next" > The installer will ask you to restart your PC > "Finish"
Go in "Apps" folder > Install your apps from the Microsoft Store shortcuts
Launch "Update.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > Restart your PC when the command prompt window disappears
Launch Driver Store Explorer > Click on the "Select Old Driver(s)" button > Click on the "Delete Driver(s)" button
Note : Your apps will be updated automatically via the Microsoft Store.
OS requirements : Windows 10 64 bit or more recent.
Hardware requirements (AMD) : ASUS ROG/TUF/PRIME/ProArt motherboards with AMD 3xx/4xx/5xx/6xx/8xx series chipsets (except ROG with ALC40xx).
Hardware requirements (Intel) : ASUS ROG/TUF/PRIME/ProArt motherboards with Intel 2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx/6xx/7xx/8xx series chipsets (except ROG with ALC40xx).
Note : In order to know which drivers package to use, match the audio specifications of your motherboard with the apps or ask me.
If you want to manage the drivers (remove old/unused drivers for example) that you have in your Windows DriverStore
Use Driver Store Explorer (Right click on "Rapr.exe" > Run as administrator).
If you want better interrupts delivery latency
Enable MSI (Message Signaled-based Interrupts) mode on all your supported devices (see the column "supported modes") with
MSI Mode Utility (Right click on "MSI_Mode_Utility_v3.exe" > Run as administrator).
If you experience crackling, popping, audio stutter
Disable hibernation (Fast Startup included).
12-24-2021 06:45 PM
12-25-2021 01:46 AM
ceetoee wrote:
Anyone have this issue "Can not connect to RPC service" when trying to launch Realtek Audio Control
12-25-2021 04:39 AM
bass junkie xl wrote:
Asus Sttrix Z-690 D4 ddr4 motherboard what ral tec do i need
thanks guyz
xzamples wrote:
Which one to download for crosshair vi hero?
ceetoee wrote:
Anyone have this issue "Can not connect to RPC service" when trying to launch Realtek Audio Control
bass junkie xl wrote:
merry x mas all
@mokichu i have a issue u said this for asus strix z690 d4
You need Realtek USB Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS ROG SS3-DTS) from the first post of this thread : [DRIVERS] Realtek USB Audio (Intel 5xx/6xx & AMD 5xx/6xx/TRX40).
Follow scrupulously your CLEANUP process then your INSTALL process, for the next drivers packages that I would release, you will can directly follow your UPDATE process.
my issue is realtec audio service is using 20 - 35 % cpu all the time never stops .
i tried the clean up prosess and driver works fine jus talways 30 % cpu usage .
i did clean up prosess properly and rebooted and installed ( gen 2 ) rebooted i tried 4 diffrent drivers .
so now im back to asus web page asus strix z690 d4 audio driver from mother board down load page .
how to fix 30 % cpu usage ? any ideas
12-25-2021 11:44 AM
MoKiChU wrote:
- Avoid ZoneID blocking trouble :- For each downloaded .zip : ZoneID unblock the .zip (Right click on the .zip file > Properties > Check the box Unblock > OK).
- Disable the ZoneID blocking completely (you will no longer have to unblock each downloaded .zip) :- Right-click Windows Start button then click Launch then type gpedit.msc > OK
- User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Attachment Manager
- Do not preserve zone information in file attachment : Enabled > OK.
- Redownload Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS ROG SS3-DTS MB) from the first post of this thread.
- ZoneID unblock the .zip (Only if you have not disabled the ZoneID blocking) : Right click on the .zip file > Properties > Check the box Unblock > OK.
- Follow scrupulously your CLEANUP process then your INSTALL process (for the next drivers packages that I would release, you will can directly follow your UPDATE process).
- Press Windows key + X > Task Manager > Startup tab : Check that Realtek HD Audio Universal Service is Enabled.
- Restart your PC.
Follow this process : https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?118522-DRIVERS-Realtek-USB-Audio-(MB-Intel-5xx-6xx-amp-AMD...
Note : In order not to generate more confusion than there is already, please stop posting in this thread which is no more dedicated to your current motherboard, and post in the appropriate thread that I indicated to you previously : [DRIVERS] Realtek USB Audio (MB | Intel 5xx/6xx & AMD 5xx/6xx/TRX40).
12-25-2021 12:59 PM
ceetoee wrote:
Just did a clean up and the zoneid blocking, reinstalled same issue happening.
12-25-2021 01:26 PM
MoKiChU wrote:
- Press Windows key + X > Task Manager > Services tab : Check that DcomLaunch, RpcEptMapper & RtkAudioUniversalService services running.
- Right click on your Realtek Audio Control/Console app icon > App settings > Reset
- Restart your PC.
If after that it still does not work for you, I have nothing else to suggest to you except a Windows 10/11 21H2 clean install.
12-25-2021 02:27 PM
ceetoee wrote:
I don't even see that Realtek Audio Control Console app icon on my taskbar notification bar, where is it?
01-01-2022 08:52 PM
MoKiChU wrote:
- Press Windows key + X > Task Manager > Services tab : Check that DcomLaunch, RpcEptMapper & RtkAudioUniversalService services running.
- Right click on your Realtek Audio Control/Console app icon > App settings > Reset
- Restart your PC.
If after that it still does not work for you, I have nothing else to suggest to you except a Windows 10/11 21H2 clean install.
01-01-2022 10:29 PM
saleh99 wrote:
I have Maximus CODE IX z270
I disabled ZoneID "Group Policy Method" and I install
"Realtek Audio Drivers (UAD - ASUS ROG/TUF/PRIME RTK MB)"
I got error "Can not connect to RPC service" when launch Realtek Audio Control
and when I look to service I didn't find RtkAudioUniversalService
I did clean install, and problem still present!!
07-30-2022 10:24 AM
Soul.stoler wrote:
I am just asking about the name change, tio confirm this
earlier, it used to be 'ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS AP MB' in the OPnow from the latest version 9376, am seeing 'ASUS TUF/PRIME DTS AP', here the MB is missing, hence asked for clarification.