Swiso wrote:
Hello all,
One qustion...which cable should I use to connect the EATX12V_3 6-pin connector ?
Will an 8-pin EPS plug fit, leaving out the last two pins ?
It look like there is only 8-pin or 4-pin EPS type of plugs...
Just want to share an experience I had with this connector. I had an extra cable from a Cablemod kit that had a 6-pin to the PSU and a 6-pin out, which fit perfectly in the SATA power on the PSU and somehow also fit like a glove into this 6-PIN CPU power port on the motherboard. The PIN-OUT voltages actually fried my motherboard instantly. The board lit up for a fraction of a second, and refused to boot ... it was too late. 1100$ (CAD mind you) in the garbage.
My point is, don't just try to fit something in there ... use the proper cable that is meant to be there. It's not because it fits in the plug that it belongs there !
Use a 6-PIN PCI-E power cable and connector, the same you would use for your GPU or CPU power. If you don't have a 6-PIN, an 8-PIN actually fits there with 2 pins hanging out. But at least it is the proper cable and pin-out.
Also avoid ketchup & mustard colored adapters and such ... too much of a risk of wrong pin-outs.
Different PSU's have different pinouts, and cables often are NOT the same - i.e.: Thermaltake 1250W cables fit Seasonic 1000W PSU, but will fry your devices & potentially your PSU. Don't fry anything else, when you replace or upgrade a PSU, double check the cable compatibility online or by default DON'T trust you old cables, replace them with the included ones. Just sharing another experience that was costly.