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Trouble with install CPU to TR4 socket

Level 7
First I installed TR4-CPU by user's manual: insert CPU and tights each socket screw to the stop in order 1 > 2 > 3. First 1 screw to the stop, then 2, then 3 (like on AMD official's video:

First time did not working all DIMMs of the right of CPU socket. I re-installd CPU, now did not work all DIMMs of the left (3 short beeps and shutdown).
At fifth time I installd CPU not by user's manual: I tightd each screw for a little so that there is no distortion of CPU. Little tight 1 > little tigt 2 > little tight 3 > little tight 1 ... >2 > ...3.

As result, system works fine.

It is normal for TR4 CPU?

Level 40
Normal no but can happen...happened to me on a STRIX TR4 board....I do what you did. I follow the recommended order but I dont fully tighten...tighten a half turn each until the key "breaks" at the torque it's set for. Important not to go past that point...