Hey Bill thanks for the response
I don't think I can recreate the Issue without somehow re-flashing the led firmware back to stock (the firmware only wants to be flashed once per version)
I'll fill out the forum in detail when I get a chance
All I did though was I started on :: led 1.00.10 - uefi 9960
then updated the led firmware to :: 1.00.13 - uefi 0046
burn outs started happening after this update - at first I thought the lights were just stuck on white the bottom header had led strips that were 5v 5050 and the top had 12v 5050. the bottom 5v were toast after a night and the 12v had half a strip dead -- figured it was a bad batch of cheap amazon rgb so returned the burnt ones and bought a new set, this time all 12v - they did the same thing
http://a.co/7excdug (2 strips burnt out)
http://a.co/1mfYG7S (1 cut strip 1.5m 1/2 burnt out)
http://a.co/bJYT9qC (kit not being used in my current build but saw the same affects white lights very hot)
went back a uefi version 0046 to 9960 same issue dropped to an older uefi (forget the number) the voltage reset on the headers and the colors came back - reinstalled 0046 - color was back
now every-time I install a new uefi "so far" I would see the white lights and the leds getting supper hot I had to drop back down uefi twice then the port would reset and I could go back to the current uefi .. its really weird clearing cmos dose not help I have to re-flash the uefi a few times(2 seems to be the magic number)