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My zenith can't POST

Level 7
Hello, Is there someone who knows what's going on my rig?

*- the rig retries boot showing "code: C0 detect memory" on OLED panel.
*- After code:C0 happens, "CPU" is shown *in an instant, rig shuts down and turns on.

parts what I use
*- X399 zenith extreme
*- G skill tridentz 32gb(2*16) 3200Mhz Cl14
*- threadripper 1950x
*- Antec HCP-1000
*- Rog strix 1080ti O11g

what I did
*- To check CPU pins and install CPU again.
*- To insert only one of my DDR4. All of my memory gives no improvement
*- Bios update and cmos reset have been done.
*- I got samsung 8gb ram from my friends and it worked...! it made boot processed to next step.

what's problem on my rig? i think the key is memory contorller on CPU but not certainly.
Please answer, please. it my first rig on my life.*

Bellsnow wrote:
My memories is not in QVL of zenith. But I think it will be compatible.
I have gskill trident z 32gb(2x16) 3200Mhz CL14, dual memory.

I had to use a lot of pressure to install cpu because torx was like axx..

Of course I did bios update(0801), safe boot. Memory LED was lightened persistantly before rig went to reboot.
OLED panel showed "Memory" -> "code:C0 detect memory" -> "CPU"(short time like flash) and rig went to reboot.
I can't go into bios totally and it is frustrating.

8pin connectors are plugged as photo I uploaded.
molex is connected even though I use only one GPU. Should I take it off for my system?


Do you have a PC-speaker attached to the board so you can hear beep codes?
tree long beeps is memory error, when trying to OC memory (that fails) the computer beeps with three long tunes and then reboots.
This is retried 4 or 5 times.

Did you let the motherboard attempt several boots without you powering it down, in an attempt to get it to boot when it tries to go to stock settings? (should be the same effect as pressing the safe boot button as previously mentioned)

Hello! I have got new CPU and it is working!!!
The new one makes next boot process.

But I'm crushed other problem..

At first boot, I could see UEFI on monitor. But I was in cloesd loop, exit UEFI -> enter UEFI.
OLED showed "..VGA BIOS.."(I can't remember full message).
Then, I could find my VGA(asus strix 1080ti o11g) is not fully settled so I set it by UEFI.
After that, OLED panel always show "code: A9 BIOS Setup menu"
And monitor is black, no signal.

I did bios update and cmos reset.
what can I do....? Here are photos.

swtich your 3d card to the top slot and see if it goes away .. someone said having the card in the 3rd slot created weird boot issues a month ago before 801

Cory29 wrote:
swtich your 3d card to the top slot and see if it goes away .. someone said having the card in the 3rd slot created weird boot issues a month ago before 801

I want to use PCI-E slot no.1 but I can't because noctua-D14S TR4 block the slot.
Can you share the link, weird boot issue?

Thank you!
somewhere in the 150 pages

I think it had to do with slot 1 went to one chip on the die and the second talked to the other first

the manual it says 1 card to slot one .. if you have two 1 and 3 ..

I had no issue of having graphics card in the PCIe_3x16 slot on any BIOS, I do have boot issue of using not "yet" supported usb add in card in the PCIe slots the cpu handles(PCIe_2x8), while in chipset slots the computer starts, but still windows can't load the drivers. My tiny sata controller card atleast worked in the cpu handled PCIe slots(PCIe_1x16) that the noctua cooler blocks, but I have parts to move the first PCIe slot down when ever my looooong delayed new case arrives. MB currently on the way to retailer for other issue. You could try removing the 10G ethernet card from the x8 slot.

If I remember right the sots are from top to bottom in the order of x16(cpu) x8(cpu) x4(chipset) x16(cpu) x1(chipset) x8/4(cpu). The slots might be x16 but it's ony soldered to x8 if you check back of the MB.

Since you could get to uefi/bios it might be memory combatibility issues, how are your voltages set if you manage get back to bios.

Just a quick idea, have you looked at the PCIe x16 lane switch (PCIEX16_SW). Its the dip switch beside the 24 Pin power connector. It is there to enable/disable the x16 slots, maybe one is up.

Issue solved..
I came from work, reseted cmos, for a while, turned on.
I could see UEFI on monitor.
Maybe I should have discharged my mobo enough yesterday.
then, I installed windows, mobo setting like ram clock is remained to do task.

Thank all of you in asus forum.
I can't have help from my country web community like asus forum.
I hope this thread to be able to help someone who suffers problem in X399.

Thank you again.*

That's awesome I have had weird issues were they just disappear after a week too - I wonder if there is a garbage collect/cache issue *probably unrelated