10:33 AM
- last edited on
06:51 PM
10-25-2021 08:07 PM
10-25-2021 11:29 PM
BigJohnny wrote:
The array should stay intact. You will just have to enable the BIOS settings for the drives to be raid capable. I've been through several builds with raid arrays and never lost any of them. Just updated/flashed back BIOS then put the settings as they should be and they were not affected. Even the Intel VROC arrays. Question is do you remember the settings? One thing Ive always done after i get a machine running the way it should is I go though the PITA of writing down every setting that is other than standard so I have a record. Been using the same composition book for about 10 years now. Every build Ive done is in the book as some of the settings are well hidden in places you would never think to look.
10-29-2021 04:00 PM
10-29-2021 06:52 PM
tjmitchem wrote:
I'm not sure what I did, but now I'm not given the opportunity to enter the bios after a warm reboot. l have to power the machine off, then turn it back on, in order to get the splash bios screen.
I would dearly love to know what's going on. I've done flashback on the bios and cleared the CMOS, so there shouldn't be any stray BIOS settings laying around.
10-30-2021 06:30 AM
BigJohnny wrote:
Sounds like its time for a fresh flash of the BIOS.
10-29-2021 06:51 PM
tjmitchem wrote:
Thanks for the info!
Luckily, I'm pretty sure I remember the settings. Plus, I think I wrote them down somewhere, but the exact location is eluding me at the moment. Time to start sweating 🙂
One thing I would love to see in a BIOS is the ability to export the current configuration to a USB disk. This seems like it would be simple to implement, but I'm assuming there's a technical reason it hasn't been done. It would certainly be convenient.