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X hero and water cooling loop

Level 7
Hello, i recent bought a new mobo and installed a custom water cooling.
I have a NZXT H700I case and have all my 6 fans connected on the smart hub and the pump PWM connected on the cpu_fan.
So like most of you know CAM Software its a nheqq (shi**) sometimes.
I want know since its my first loop if the mobo bios will detect my fans for the custom fan curve instead of using a third software?
And i miss that on this loop but i will use them on next maintenance, the Temp sensors for my coolant, where i can plug the temp sensor's? since i want use two and want control my fans to work with liquid temp and not for the component temperature..
Sorry for the noob question but i really don't know how to do that.

Level 8
I don't think the bios will be able to see the smart hub as that's connected through USB. If you want it all connected to the BIOS I believe you will have to connect all fans to the motherboard. You have enough fan headers on it but if you want to do it is up to you. I don't like CAM either.

Level 7
Berganize wrote:
Hello, i recent bought a new mobo and installed a custom water cooling.
I have a NZXT H700I case and have all my 6 fans connected on the smart hub and the pump PWM connected on the cpu_fan.
So like most of you know CAM Software its a nheqq (shi**) sometimes.
I want know since its my first loop if the mobo bios will detect my fans for the custom fan curve instead of using a third software?
And i miss that on this loop but i will use them on next maintenance, the Temp sensors for my coolant, where i can plug the temp sensor's? since i want use two and want control my fans to work with liquid temp and not for the component temperature..
Sorry for the noob question but i really don't know how to do that.

I would not use the CPU_Fan port since you should base your fan curve based on water temp. Using CPU_Fan forces the curve to only use CPU temp as the temp source.

I connected my fan hub to chassis fan 2 port and water pump to chassis fan 3 port. Plug your water temp sensor into T_Sensor port. Then in BIOS under Monitor you set the T_Sensor as the source under both chassis fan sections.