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X Hero AC A2 QCode

Level 7

ive just upgraded vom z170 to a x hero ac and a 8700k. im using g.skill rampage v 3200 cl16.
now, the board is updated to the latest bios (1003) and no matter what, 2 out of 3 times i get a qcode A2 doing a cold start. once it booted and im in windows, restarting never works. it just goes into A2, everytime. shutdown, start manually again does result in A2 too.

im using a intel 750 series nvme pcie drive, currently no gpu (1080ti on warranty, should arrive this/next week though). nothing else is connected. mouse and keybaord only. tried differenty usb ports. removed ram and cpu and installed again, no bend pins etc.

the funny part is, i get this qcode even without anything connected to the board, just a black screen. here's the weird part, the first reboot after installing windows however, (the part where cortana starts talking) i could hear her talking, screen all black and qcode A2 showing. ive used displayport in this scenario, but changing to hdmi doesnt help either.

csm is disabled, windows uefi os mode activated for secure boot. enabling/disabling fastboot makes no difference.

i also only get it to boot with the 750 on x8_2, x16_1 nor x4_3 will work.

can someone help or should i just rma for doa?

Level 13
A2 occurs either if there's a pcie/boot device error or if the board has halted and is waiting for the user to press f1 to enter uefi. If the latter, pressing f1 should result in the code changing to a9 (iirc). Could be some kind of display incompatibility.

Level 7
so it could be either my pcie nvme drive or just a weird bug with onboard graphics? thats what i guessed. my old board fried two gpus, maybe the 750 is somewhat broken too. shouldnt it be working on either pcie slot? since im not occupying any other slot anyways. bugs me tho, since the same happens with only a sata drive connected. man im so unlucky with asus, since z97 there wasnt a single board without problems for me. (not saying its asus fault, but man..)

Level 13
When you press f1, does the code change?

Difficult to see how a board would fry a gpu - it is not an easy thing to diagnose. The power through the slot is straight is pass through from the psu (aside from power sequencing).

Raja@ASUS wrote:
When you press f1, does the code change?

Difficult to see how a board would fry a gpu - it is not an easy thing to diagnose. The power through the slot is straight is pass through from the psu (aside from power sequencing).

regarding the gpu, idk. one of my 1080ti's died, changed psu , kept everything else like it was. 3 days later, replacement 1080ti died. got another replacement, and a second one for the lulz, both died within a week inlucuding a m.2 950 pro. cpu works fine on other boards, nothing else connected to the damn thing, im no pro in diagnosing those things, but that seems kinda obvious to me its the boards fault. my local dealer was super obliging tho, so no big deal.

as for f1, no, nothing happens. i ordered a msi godlike gaming and a m.2 960 pro today. will give the asus board another chance with the 960. if it works, fine. if not i might change ships for the first time :rolleyes:

Level 13
That implies it's hanging due to a BOOT device issue. You can check with your new board. If you get issues there, too, something you're using is causing it. To diagnose this, I'd set up the boards on an open test bed, and make sure the board isn't warping due to excessive torque from the cooler. Given this can be related to BOOT devices, though, it could be something to do with the drive/install config.