Today I was browsing the web, everything working perfectly fine, I then went to reboot to BIOS to adjust my fan curves and when I pressed Delete to get to BIOS it did not work. I ended up at the Windows 10 login screen and both my keyboard and mouse were not working. I tried rebooting, clearing CMOS, removing CMOS batery, different USB keyboards and nothing will work. My Corsair K70 LUX keyboard lights up but does not work and my RGB mouse does not even light up.
I tried all USB ports and I get the same result. I then tried plugging my keyboard into a USB-C to USB connector/adapter and that made my keyboard work. So it looks like my standard USB jacks are all dead while the USB C still works. I have feeling I will need to RMA the board but wanted to see if anyone had any ideas before contacting ASUS support and doing the RMA process.