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Thoughts on Maximus z390 1401 Bios

Level 9
Since i cant find the thread for bios update on z390(where ppl sharing thoughts on the bioses) and i see there is a new bios for Code ... i appriciate if someone share thoughts on this bios , since the last 2 or 3 versions where not very good.

Level 8
to the CPU PLL OC Voltage:

i looked in a oc thread of 9900KS cpu's and the voltage was only 1,216v with the old bios... there was screens from 5,1-5,2Ghz cpu's.

Whats the name for VCCST in HWiNFO? Thx!

I just got my board second hand with an old bios and updated to 1401. Last few days was feeling a bit upset trying to get my Gskill Trident Z Royal F4-4266C19D-16GTRG to run at I could get it to was 4000mhz so pretty unhappy. Even then pc took a bit long to boot and couldn't get into bios without going into windows then doing a reset first....

After finding this thread I went back to 1302 and instantly xmp is fine and stable. I even tightened up the timings a bit an no issues.

Currently @4.266mhz 18-18-18-38 stable 🙂


Jekel wrote:
I just got my board second hand with an old bios and updated to 1401. Last few days was feeling a bit upset trying to get my Gskill Trident Z Royal F4-4266C19D-16GTRG to run at I could get it to was 4000mhz so pretty unhappy. Even then pc took a bit long to boot and couldn't get into bios without going into windows then doing a reset first....

After finding this thread I went back to 1302 and instantly xmp is fine and stable. I even tightened up the timings a bit an no issues.

Currently @4.266mhz 18-18-18-38 stable 🙂


Thank you Jekel for sharing your TridentZ 32gb settings,
I too have had much m u c h trouble with these,
so bad I reverted back through the old bios releases and for my set the 1005 bios works the best by a wide margin. (Much better than 1302)
I would like to update to a newer bios and hoped that they had fixed this issue with the new 1401, and you clarified that for me my friend, so thank you!

Asus, please make a bios that works with Trident Z 32gb kit (My plan was to double the kit with another 2x16gb but when I cannot get the first to work properly...)
Long time ASUS supporter here, altough a bit dissapointed with you now ASUS... 😕

Anyways, to all you mates, may the force be with you!


The best Bios for 4x8gb B-DIE for P0 Stepping i think is 0602.
A other good for R0 Stepping is 1302.
Bios 0602 is the most stable by GSAT, best Training was 1302.
Max. GSAT stable by my System is 4x8GB @4400CL17-17


1401 is Crap for B-DIE.

Best reached Frequency was 0602 with 4x8GB@4600 CL17-19

Level 8
G.Skill Trident Z RGB DIMM Kit 32GB, DDR4-4133, CL17-17-17-37 (F4-4133C17Q-32GTZR) / Asus Maximus xI Extreme / 9900KS

1401 make problems to get the ram HCI MemTest stable..

same problems like Mappi75 My ram don't work with bios 1401 and work fine with 1302 ... So returning to 1302.

Level 8

I got two kits which wont "work" with bios 1401:
G.Skill Trident Z RGB DIMM Kit 32GB, DDR4-4133, CL17-17-17-37 (F4-4133C17Q-32GTZR)
G.Skill Trident Z RGB DIMM Kit 32GB, DDR4-4266, CL17-18-18-38 (F4-4266C17Q-32GTZR)

Which kit did you own?

With Bios 1302 both kits work out of the box via loading xmp I profile and set VCSSA & VCCIO voltages manually.

This is my 3rd 9900KS which has a good memory controller - which did not need very high voltages:

DRAM: 1,40v
VCCIO & VCSSA: 1,14375v

DRAM: 1,45v
VCCIO & VCSSA: 1,2250v (which i have to test a litte more if its 1000% stable with hci & karhu memtest).

Level 14
i install the bios 2 days ago. I do not see any difference on my 9900k at 5.0 at 1.35 I drop to 1.30 with. and bot scenarios are ok. no issues. BUT! i do detect a 2C to 4C increase of VRM temps. Since windows is using axv the numbers of the LLC are correct with what i put on the bios. and maintain that value. I have to check on the memory side. I do not use OC aside of the XMP 1/2 and I do manual VCCIO/VCCIA adjustment. 1.15 on both using my 3600mhz (32ram quad configuration since i purchase as a quad kit.) I will check later pm games how it does. aside that is the same as the 1302!
Learn, Play Enjoy! We help and collaborate, NOT complain!

G.Skill Trident Z RGB DIMM Kit 32GB, DDR4-4266, CL17-18-18-38 (F4-4266C17Q-32GTZR) don't work with bios 1401
But my Corsair 4000Mhz works fine with 1401

DRAM 1.45 VCCIO 1.424 VCCSA 1.408 With Gskill and Bios 1302 (XMP II)

Level 7
how do you guys drop back to prev bios version ? isn't locked to do so?