ive spent months, literally.. trying to track this down. From the simulationcraft developers, to the synergy developers, to the citra developers, even the qt/webengine bugtracker.
I found an obscure post from ages ago on a microsoft forum of someone saying sonic studio was causing his autodesk/maya to hang.
removed it, problem gone.
Now i use ALL the aforementioned software, and unless i forced it to open on my primary display - it would just hang at startup until i force closed it. Everything not using qt was fine, so obviously the bug is between Asus & Qt.
I needed to use my secondary display for all of the aforementioned so once i Found out sonic studio was what caused it, I removed it.
I'm posting this because id like to be able to continue using sonic radar but the fact it breaks the aforementioned from loading on my accessory display is a no go.
hope raja or someone from the dev side sees this and can forward it to the necesssary people.