thank you for your kind input. And please excuse my terrible writing and grammar in the OP. it is terrible and not very clear of what I was trying to explain.
Well I felt a bit of relief this evening when I decided to do a test build on the cardboard case of the Maximus XI to have better access to the components. I placed the mother board on the case, then I begam to wire it up to the Corsair AX1600i. I connected the 24 pin motherboard power supply, then the CPU power supply, next I tried to the a 4 pin powersupply cable that plugs nest to the 8 pin CPU power supply. However there is not such cable in the kit that can plug into the 4 pin next to the CPU power socket.
Before I go on to tell my story, could anyone here please help me to power both the 8 pin and 4 pin power supply cables? The 8 pin is straight forward, the modular cable is easily distinguishable but the 4pin socket [which i believe is an optional plug and is used if one is going to do heavy OC and SLI etc] is not easy for me to find. How would I go about plugging in both CPU power sockets correctly, which cables from the modular cables set should be used?
Now getting back to how far I got this evening, I though I would test the system with the ihntel iGPU instead of the ASUS Trix 1080Ti. I connected the power on off/psu led power LEG HDD led cable from the Fractal case, and after plugging in the PSU I got the Mobo regular ROG LEDs to fir up. Hext, I took a breathe of hope and awitched on the unit fomr the case power switch. This time I actually got the thing to almost boot, well, at least I got some Q codes because my first attempt in the OP I didn't even get any Q code boot codes at all. Just the plain ROG leds would work.
However, all I got was up to Q code 55, no ON SCREEN post but at least the PSU run it's fan at full speed for a few seconds, and the thermaltake AIO LEDs all lit up and the AIO unit remained running .
It appears I am getting to some form of resolution to what ever the problem may be. I removed the ram and it ended with the Q code 55. I ran 1 ram stick and still Qcode 55.I tried as much troubleshooting as I could before I have to go to sleep for the night but the fact to the problem is this Qcode 55 without any post screen. I even tried the system by plugging in the ASUS Strix GTX1080 Ti with the same result...Qcode55 and no post.
If anyone could suggest anything that might get to the problem I would be greatly appreciated.