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Maximus X Formula - Temperature problem with Samsung 970 Pro M2 NVME - HELP

Level 9
Hello to all.
I have a problem with the temperatures of my 970 pro samsung 512 GB mounted on the Maximus X Formula card. Today with this heat has touched 50 degrees. It's dangerous? risk of damaging it?
I have not yet removed the protective plastic of the rog logo where the samsung M2 is installed ... can that be the cause?
I heard about some sinks for m2 but my doubt is if you can insert in the slot M2 of the maximus X formula .... can you help me?

Level 10
Hi theotorm,

NAND likes it warm. Your 370.000 IOPS certification was made at 40 degrees i believe.
Even though HWINFO is not as flashy as your software, HWINFO will show you 2 temperatures.

The lower one is your NAND
The higher one is your controller

It is not a question IF a NVME SSD will slow down because of heat. It is just a question of WHEN it will throttle down.
This is measured normally in seconds or maybe minutes.

And it normally is the controller overheating first.

So you have to download software to see the controller temp first.

then you have to descide:

Do i want MAX transferrate and am i willing to shorten the life of my SSD?
If yes then actively cool the controller under its throttle temp.
(which is not loud if you spend some bucks on the fan) I suggest the beige/brown ones.

If you are a real nerd you will use the temp sensor header to install a 3 buck temp sensor on the controller and
then you can program the 40mm fan to only ramp up at 55 plus degrees within ASUS BIOS.

There are VRM fan brackets you could repurpose.

Samsung EVO controllers will throttle:

at 60 (like my 970 evo 512 GB )
at 70 (like my 960 EVO 1 TB)

If you can get your SSD under its throttle temp at 100% SSD write load it will not throttle at all and write over 2 GB/s constantly in your case i believe.
But NAND will (somewhat) age more quickly.

Do i want MAX reliability and the slowest degradation?
See to it to run your NAND very roughly around 40 degree IDLE.

All this happenes if you copy very, very big files or a boat load of files.
I am talking waaaay over 10 GB.

I have deinstalled my fan (after watching a Video from Gamers Nexus) and it will throttle after 35 GB constant writes from NVME SSD to NVME SSD.
If you only have one NVME SSD and some harddrives you will seldomly (if ever) encounter this issue
So it will not happen 99,3% of the time for a normal nerd.

Last thing:
Leaving protective stickers on is seldomly wise if the are on a cooling pad.
Even on metall it will hinder the cooling functionality.
If it is the original Samsung sticker on the SSD you can leave it on. Especially if it is the one with the copper within.

For more information kindly visit the homepage written ony the sticker of your SSD (if i remember correctly)
0-70 degree operating temps i belive in your case.


Level 11
I removed the cover and did not install it. I also remove the samsung sticker before putting on my heat sink. Get your M.2 warm up.. and shut down your computer. Quickly remove the M.2. Carefully use the razor... from one corner of the sticker... carefully remove the sticker. It should come off fairly easy. Remember not to bend the sticker or any crease line to indicate the sticker has been removed before. Put the samsung sticker onto wax paper and store it in a safe place. This is when you need warranty on your SSD. YOu can put it back without anyone know its removed.
Clean the SSD chips with thermal paste cleaning product. Then put on heat sink... 74931

Shinchan0125 wrote:
I removed the cover and did not install it. I also remove the samsung sticker before putting on my heat sink. Get your M.2 warm up.. and shut down your computer. Quickly remove the M.2. Carefully use the razor... from one corner of the sticker... carefully remove the sticker. It should come off fairly easy. Remember not to bend the sticker or any crease line to indicate the sticker has been removed before. Put the samsung sticker onto wax paper and store it in a safe place. This is when you need warranty on your SSD. YOu can put it back without anyone know its removed.
Clean the SSD chips with thermal paste cleaning product. Then put on heat sink... 74931


There lots of misinformation and misunderstanding when it come to m.2 drive .I would suggest you to watch this video,at 06:15 to put it simple nand should be warmer and the controller is the only part that actually need cooling.

Level 14
Did you remove the heatsink on the PCH chip? If you did I would not recommend doing that, a case fan mounted in the direction of the M.2 heatsink will do a good job of removing the heat