With my new system (Asus Maximus X Formula+Core i7 8700K) I installed Coretemp because I use it since many years.
The problem is, that Power information is incorrect. No matter how hard the CPU is working, it is stuck to 3,6 W, moves sometimes higher to 3,7 and seldomly a little higher. Most of the time, it shows constantly 3,6 W.

I have made a request in
https://www.alcpu.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=5970 to the developper of Core Temp and his estimation is, that it is caused by BIOS setting of my mainboard and shurely not the fault of Core Temp Program itself.
This user, Phillyflyer, sames to experience the same issue with his Maximus X Code board :
https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?103616-8086k-5-3ghz-overclockWhat is going wrong here?