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Looking for adaptive settings for i7 8700k (on a Asus Prime Z370-A)

Level 7
Yesterday there was a BIOS update release for the Asus Prime Z370-A (BIOS 0420)

After upgrading the BIOS and doing some IXTU runs I found out that the voltage for the CPU went up dramatically.
With BIOS 5419 it didn't get past 1,33, with 0420 it hits 1,405/1,41.
Way to much for my tast.
(I'm not even overclocking, only put on sync all cores)

So that means using the adaptive setting in BIOS.
Now I'm looking for good, adaptive voltage settings to use for a i7 8700k
Does someone have does ?
I'm not planning on overclocking the 8700k, maybe try if it will hit 4,9GHz on all cores.
So the adaptive voltage settings could be real lean.

Level 13
You have a few options to reduce the voltage:

1) Set a lower adaptive voltage, manually.
2) If the Prime board has the SVID behaviour option, set it to "best case". If not, set the IA AC and DC load lines to 0.01 and work up til you get the voltage you want.
3) Reduce the llc.

Level 7
I know these possibilities :
I'm stil running voltage on auto, not adaptive voltage because I'm looking for voltage values to use

I've already tried different LCC settings, and it only makes it worse

Level 13
Then use the other options to get the voltage you want. Every cpu has a different vid table and voltage requirements. You will need to tune yours according to its capabilities.

Level 7
Already found some working adaptive values :
SVID behavior : best-case scenario
CPU loadline calibration Level 5
CPU Core/Cache voltage : adaptive mode
Additional Turbo mode CPU core voltage : 1.315
Offset voltage : 0.25

When running the benchmark in IXTU the voltage doesn't pass 1.315 and doesn't drop below 1.265
When running stresstest in IXTU voltage is between 1.245 and 1.265

MaccieD wrote:
Already found some working adaptive values :
SVID behavior : best-case scenario
CPU loadline calibration Level 5
CPU Core/Cache voltage : adaptive mode
Additional Turbo mode CPU core voltage : 1.315
Offset voltage : 0.25

When running the benchmark in IXTU the voltage doesn't pass 1.315 and doesn't drop below 1.265
When running stresstest in IXTU voltage is between 1.245 and 1.265

... i think that offset voltage 0.25 is not right ... infact using this offset .. CPU core voltage could be 1.565 ...
I think that you would write 0.025 ..

doing some test with all default parameters and only xmp enable, checking HWinfo log file notice that there was Power Limit Exceeded (Yes) ... after only 1h of x265 encoding (temp 63°)... the strange thing was that in the previous second ... the medium Core VID was only 1.262 (vcore at 1.136)... after that the cores ratio change from 43 (all six core) to various value (37-40) to resync after 2minutes of power limit allert to 36 ... then sporadicly appear Power limit exceeded also with core vid at 1.112 (vcore at 1.088)...

... may be something related to stand by ???? Notice that Chassis1 fan turn off (after 1° allert) ... and only AIO Pump and Cpu Fan was active (temp 55°) ..
I will do new test with power saving off in windows 10...

Level 13

Z370-A here. VCORE will be close to what is expected with correct tuning. Need to keep in mind the reported voltage inaccuracies depending on the software and physical connections of actual measurement. Meter leads connected at CPU vs HWInfo and CPU-Z

Adaptive voltage set to 1.35V
SVID Behavior - Best Case
SVID Support - Enabled
LLC - Level 5
IA AC/DC Load Lines - 0.01


Praz wrote:

Z370-A here. VCORE will be close to what is expected with correct tuning. Need to keep in mind the reported voltage inaccuracies depending on the software and physical connections of actual measurement. Meter leads connected at CPU vs HWInfo and CPU-Z

Adaptive voltage set to 1.35V
SVID Behavior - Best Case
SVID Support - Enabled
LLC - Level 5
IA AC/DC Load Lines - 0.01


I've bin looking for the IA AC/DC Load line setting in BIOS, but couldn't find them.
Which page are they on ?

Level 13
Navigate to the Internal CPU Power Management page.

Level 7
Found it 🙂