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Hero x adaptive voltage question

Level 7
I normally run my 8700k @ 5ghz manual voltage 1.34 with an llc of 6
hwinfo and other programs show actual voltage of 1.344 ( see this in bios too) and it dips to 1.328.
when i change to adaptive 1.34 no matter what settings i change ac dc line in and llc 5 or 6. i see spikes to 1.36. how would i configure my settings. It seems like 1.328 is good for 5ghz because ive had this setting for months now , completely stable . im on bios 1301 for reference.

Level 12
x hero bios 1403 here and my 8700k needs 1.36 v to be stable . with load line = 6 and ia/dc both to 0.01 . no spikes in manual vcore mode .

i spent a week trying to get adaptive mode to not spike or vdrop and i also have 2 issues ...

1) load line = 6 ia/dc = 0.01 total adaptive volts = 1.36v , svid = best case cinario

when playing battlefield 1 i will get spikes to 1.392 and 1.402 v once and a while but no vdrop just over shoot .
- lowerd load line to level 5 and set ia/dc to both 0.020 , now i only spike to 1.3768 v but now i vdrop below my set 1.36v adaptive ..... wich gives me a whea error .

2 ) use the original setting but with a adaptive offset of - 0.032 v with 1.36 v witch still gives me over shoot and if i add any more - offseti get vdrop and a whea .

i have went back to manual vcore of 1.36v loadline = 6 ia/dc =0.01 im done wasting time .
its iether over shoot or under shoot and whea no matter what or im stable but i get over shoot from 1.36v to 1.402 v . hope asus patches this soon
Rig # 1 - 14900Ks SP-124 | 90 MC @ 6.0 GHZ | 5.2 R | 4.7 E | DDR5 48GB @ 8,600 c36 | Strix RTX 4090 | PG27AQN 1440P 27" 360 Hz G-Sync ULMB 2

Rig # 2 - 14900Ks-SP-118 | 89 MC @ 5.9 GHZ | 5.2 R | 4.7 E | DDR4 32GB @ 4,533 c16 | Strix RTX 3080 | Aoc 1080P 25" 240 Hz G-Sync

Level 7
thats basically what im seeing. im compeltely stable 1.328 and for manual voltage i left the ac dc line in on auto. i cant get the spikes to disappear but on manual they don't occur and im good. iv e tried 1.335 but i get whea. SO it seems like the droop to 1.328 is okay . i may have to leave it on manual as well since i can't get it to work

Level 10
Gentlemen could you elaborate if the "overshoot" is permanent as long as you run AIDA64 Stresstest?
And will it not occur running Cinebench?

Have you upped the Cache ratio?

I have a similar problem but in my case it is not the vcore itself overshooting.

My CPU vcore stays the same @ 1.285
But my "per-CPU-VID will rise to 1.335 in some tests . Other run with 1.285.

I haven't done proper research, but it seems in theory one "could" set CPU vcore and Cache Vcore separately with a different Bios.
I first got the idea by using Intel XTU Sofware, which will show those VCores separately.

Using adaptive means using a preset VID config within the CPU. I believe that "overshoot" we are having has something todo with a set-in-CPU adaptive voltage "VID" table .... of sorts?!

All this sounds very unscientific and far fetched, i know.

I am happy if somebody could prove me wrong or right.

Either way: We would be wiser 🙂


Carlyle2020 wrote:
Gentlemen could you elaborate if the "overshoot" is permanent as long as you run AIDA64 Stresstest?
And will it not occur running Cinebench?

Have you upped the Cache ratio?

I have a similar problem but in my case it is not the vcore itself overshooting.

My CPU vcore stays the same @ 1.285
But my "per-CPU-VID will rise to 1.335 in some tests . Other run with 1.285.

I haven't done proper research, but it seems in theory one "could" set CPU vcore and Cache Vcore separately with a different Bios.
I first got the idea by using Intel XTU Sofware, which will show those VCores separately.

Using adaptive means using a preset VID config within the CPU. I believe that "overshoot" we are having has something todo with a set-in-CPU adaptive voltage "VID" table .... of sorts?!

All this sounds very unscientific and far fetched, i know.

I am happy if somebody could prove me wrong or right.

Either way: We would be wiser 🙂


adia 64 isnt a stres test its walk in the park for cpu . off subject

if i run battlfield 1 , bf4 , escape fro mtarkov or any decent load it over shoots .

load line = 6 + ia /dc = 0.01 = over shoot on adaptive mode
load line = 5 + ia /dc = 0.01 = under shoot / v drop and whea error

its been like this since release bios .

if u tell it to max adaptive mode to say 1.36v , svid = best case , ia/dc =0.01 you will get " up to " some times 1.402 v spikes

adaptve is not good for us guys that need 1.35 + v for 5 ghz hence the over shoot its like the adaptive mode is using the cpus voltege table and going past your max volts u typed in or it under shoots .....

manual mode 1.36 v , load line = 6 , ia / dc =0.01 24/7 rock solid adaptive mode its kinda trash right now
Rig # 1 - 14900Ks SP-124 | 90 MC @ 6.0 GHZ | 5.2 R | 4.7 E | DDR5 48GB @ 8,600 c36 | Strix RTX 4090 | PG27AQN 1440P 27" 360 Hz G-Sync ULMB 2

Rig # 2 - 14900Ks-SP-118 | 89 MC @ 5.9 GHZ | 5.2 R | 4.7 E | DDR4 32GB @ 4,533 c16 | Strix RTX 3080 | Aoc 1080P 25" 240 Hz G-Sync