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Forum Posts

Formula XI - Stealth Mode doesnt work.

Just recently installed a Formula XI MB with a 9900K. Using the UEFI option to turn Aura Off when PC is shutdown works for a while then a few restarts later it turns to back on. Using this option turns off the red pulsing LED but leaves on the OLED s...

Realtek Audio Software

Z390 Maximus XI HeroWhen installing the drivers for the onboard sound I noticed that "Realtek Audio Control" was trying to be installed from the Windows store but the install would not complete. It just gets stuck and all you can do is cancel it / un...

Phrawst by Level 8
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Extreme available?

Am I reading this right?https://www.newegg.com/global/sg-en/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813119168&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Motherboards+-+Intel-_-N82E16813119168&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItczrg5rQ3gIVBsDI...

Intel ME Firmware + Maximus XI Formula Z390

Hello,I hope anybody can help me, which is the latest Intel me firmware version for the maximus xi formula z390 and which was the preinstalled Intel me firmware version?I'm not sure which I must choose to update

XMP fails to boot.

Z390-E, 4x8GB G.Skill DDR4 4266 CL19-19-19-39, i9 9900k. With both XMPI and II, RAM fails to post, works at 3733 15-15-15-35. Manual tweaks don't seem to help yet.

maximus XI formula & intel i9 9900k few gflops

guys according to you because with intel burn test I make about 140,000 gflops?i9 9900k all 5ghz corestried everything in default, I do not make 100,000I attach photossorry for my englishhttps://imgur.com/a/hGuO4X6

Maximus X hero and 8700k issues. -.-

so nothing but problems today. got 8700k and maximus x hero. it was oc'ed out of box at 4,8 ghz with 1.25vi tested it and i dont like it at all, CPU is howering around 50-55 on some cores constantly, while usage is about 10%.i went to reset bios, tur...

Hero XI Aura/RGB causes coil whine?

All of the sudden today I started hearing coil whine out of my case, going crazy listening to every component, I came to the conclusion it is from the RGB/Aura. If I disable the Aura via the application, the coil whine gets even louder, unbearable.Wh...

Maximus XI Hero and Kaspersky Anti-Virus key?

I just installed my Maximus XI Hero motherboard and 9900K CPU with Windows 10 64 Bit. The install disc includes a 1 year subscription to Kaspersky Anti Virus. After installing it, it says my subscription or key is not active or valid. Where do I f...

jewie27 by Level 7
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Maximus X Hero Question

Guys,After I turn off my computer and turn off also the power supply, and then turn it on again and press power button the computers starts, then shuts down for 2 seconds and then start normally. Is that normal behavior? It has been like that from th...

pit_ns by Level 8
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