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Wifi Problems but Only with my Router. With Hotspot it works fine

Level 7

I have the Z270-e Gaming MB I tried Windows 10 and Windows 11. I tried reinstalling Treiber for Wifi for Chipset for Bluetooth. But somehow it cannot connect corretcly to my router. 

My Hotspot Wifi works fine, my USB Wifi Stick works fine with my wifi,  my other devices all have worked fine with the wifi. Only this exact mb does not work with my router however with every Hotspot it worked. Ethernet too.

Main Problem is that it can connect but once you start the browser or a download the data goes to zero or it even like blocks the wifi options from showing or disables the wifi adapter from the MB. And it just f ups whole windows sometimes just by trying to connect to my router wifi. I only had this problem with this board. It somehow once said that It needed to reconfig Ip or some. But it never really worked with the wifi. Just like a brief second after restart it works for like 3s or something but then data goes to zero or i cannot access wifi options in worst case. I have the bios 1501 and installed treiber from the website etc I dont know what else to do.

I just hope one of you has the time to read my help request and maybe even a the solution to it this would be very great. 🙂


Level 7

Ps once after driver reinstallation it worked for 5s and i could do half of internet test. But somehow nothing brings it to work with my router wifi I have invested like 4 hours already it driving me nuts 😂


Hello Derzocker0202

Run the windows internet troubleshooter, it might fix it or tell you what the problem is.

I use WiFi myself. When installing windows, windows installs a Wifi driver and works great for me. I don't have to install any other WiFi drivers.




Already did this but I'm dead sure its an OS problem and it Windows just f uped idk what they did in the last few years besides making it worse and even worse. The windows internet troubleshoots thinks everything is fine while the wifi goes on and of 3 times or has zero connection etc.


After sleeping for a night somehow it is able to hold the wifi connection now even though I just went to sleep. However it only is 1-3 MB/s and it should be atleast 15. Mb/s even with the crappiest connection but my router is right beside the maschine ☠️


If the problems comes up and I wanto to access network settings trhough the control pannel to get to adapter settings etc it goes into a infinity loop and crashes the controll panel.