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wake on bluetooth and ix code audio

Level 7
Is there a way to wake the pc from sleep with a dualshock 4
I tried enabling wake on pcie but the option in power management for bluetooth to allow this device to wake computer is grayed out.

Can i send audio over hdmi from mobo to an av receiver. Currently doing this over 2nd hdmi port from a 1080ti but i would like to see if the audio quality from the mobo is better
Does this mobi have better auio capabilites than the 1080ti?

How can i uninstall dip 5 but keep the rest of the services such as easy bios update. I dont want to uninstall everything if i dont have to so it wont cause any technical issues if thats something that couod happen.

Thank you.

Level 15
Not sure about the Dualshock 4. As for the audio, it's subjective. Try the onboard audio solution and see if it meets your need. You can uninstall the AI Suite III modules in the Uninstall or Change a program in Windows.