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Sound drivers problems

Level 11

I found out when i installed the sound drivers from asus " realtek" then it seems like every game an dprogram has it own volume..ect my music played louder
than the games or some games played louder then my music..some programs used higher audio than others.And it was annoing sit and adjust everything to "normal" volume. Then i removed the audio drivers and used win10 audio.

Then i found out there is a enhancement called laudness equaliser under speaker settings in controlepanel sound. Then i ticked that box and now ALL my programs and whet ever i play has the same lvl of volume, But if i install the audsio realtek drivers again, then the options under enhancement disapears and sound becomes uneven again..i could not even find this loudness EQ anywhere in the realtek drivers..

There was an EQ for if i was playing techno or jass ect. and it is not the same what im looking is this just me who is stupid and cant find this enhancement in the realdrivers or is this a problem so i must choose between win or realtek drivers for stable sound ?

Or is there a way to make ALL my sound have the same EQ volume so i dont need to adjust each app and game with realtek ¿

Level 11

Level 7
If you double click on Realtek HD audio manager icon on the taskbar (hidden icon), you should see a window like this below.

If you double click on Launch Sonic Studio, you should see window like this one below.

You can disable the sonic studio effects at the bottom by clicking off. If you have any cracking sound, make sure you uninstalled old audio software before installing it again.

Level 11
So i installed these drivers again and did what you told me to. I found out i can now adjust each program and game for each volume..sort of what i NOT want to do cuz using Loudness Equalization in win10 without these drivers is way better then sit and spend time to adjust all ur games and sound apps. Also you get the corrects sound using Loudness Equalization. But this time realteal dont have this feature installed anymore for some reason..i never liked realtek...looking on ther site from 1990 says it all. But that aside..look what im complaining about.
Old drivers had the EQ laudness box checked...but where is that box in these new drivers today ?

Gone i tell you.

With Loudness eq. enabled, then no audio doesn’t go from w-h-i-s-p-e-r quiet to BLARING LOUD and back again.
So why is this feature not installed in 2017 drivers ? Or am i completly blind ?¿

When can we expect this laudness eq to be released again ?

If you just use Basic Mode with Sonic Studio Effects on, you should be able to do what you want, without having to adjust each program.
Smart Volume might be the replacement for loudness (not 100%). Leave your mouse pointer over each checkbox for more information about each Sonic Studio Effect.

Level 11
ill try install this ridicules tech ..i mean real tech drivers again and see..

Level 11
I installed the **** tech drivers again and i tryed to use smart sound and disable all the other features..the sound in youtube was LOUD and the sound in league of legends was amazing low no matter what i did. My music played in media player was normal and sound in path of exile was EXTREME LOUD...i give up opn **** tech..why cant we have soundblaster in our onboard sound cards ? why are we forced to use crap tech with win95 homepage that havent changed for the future...cmon look at that ridicules site.
A Kid today can make a better site like that !

Sorry but im just pissed off that these drivers messes with the sound like you MUST adjust each sound program seperate and keep adjust until you found yoir right dept..wasting alot of time...Here is my cryout to real tech--- GIVE US LOUDNESS EQUALIZER BACK !!!!!!!!!!