I know you are not going to want to hear this.
Pull your CPU and check that the edges of the wafer did not bend up on the corners. The Kabylake wafer material is extremely thin and 1/1000 of an inch pound too much on the cooler mounting will bend the corners up and cause exactly what you have posted. Been there and done that with a M9F/7700K.
Once removed lay it pin side down on a flat surface and look at the corners. If its just slight bending it can be cured with a little weight, if its severe it may take heat and weight. If its overly severe.............:( say goodbye and give it a proper burial. I bent mine back flat by using a socket that fit over the die and barely rested on the 4 corners. Leave on flat surfcae and put a little weight on the socket, i used 5 lbs, then leave it sit overnight so gravity can take care of it.
When installing the cooler screws just snug then like 1/8 turn past that. Crappy design not only on the thin material but the sockets where the wafer is not fully supported and the center can be pushed down causing it to bend up in the corners.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein