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maximus ix code 99 questions. thanks for any help !

Level 10
hey guys , thanks in advance for any help and bear with me this is my first build. so Ive been getting the code 30 and 40 for two days now that I guess is telling me the computer is waking from sleep not sure why. today I payed close attention and realized I also get the code 99 on the board while its booting then 40 once it starts. everything seems to be running fine, bench marked it, played a few games , no probs so far (knock on wood) the only thing I have seen is the bios time in task manger is a bit longer then usual 16.7 seconds. I guess under 10sec is the norm but its far from intolerable. so I'm wondering is this something I should be worried about ??? the boards not going to explode in the weeks to come I hope ???

Level 14
Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about. If you turn it off then back on instead of restart does it display the same code or is it A0? Either way if everything works properly I wouldn't fret it

Menthol wrote:
Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about. If you turn it off then back on instead of restart does it display the same code or is it A0? Either way if everything works properly I wouldn't fret it

hey, thanks for the response! no, it seems to be either q code 30 or 40 no matter what I do. I got a windows update yesterday and when that was done I got to enjoy AO for a bit until it went to sleep and came back code 30. I guess that's what its telling me though that it just woke up ? I saw a YouTube video were somebody turned off fast start up in windows to correct this but I haven't tried yet cause I kind of like fast start up if this isn't actually an error. I also noticed today that it cycles a few numbers during boot like 25 and 27 which aren't even listed in the manual, is this normal behavior ? like I said all seems to be working well I'm just afraid its alluding to something that might go wrong when my 30 return or worse yet warranty is up

Level 10
I forgot to mention that its not a fresh built pc. the new parts are my motherboard, psu, and case, and I never clean installed windows cause it seemed to have no issues. not sure if that's worth mentioning or not

Code 30 and 40 is telling you it came out of either the s3 or s4 sleep state.

Disabling sleep and hibernate should solve it.

Nate152 wrote:
Code 30 and 40 is telling you it came out of either the s3 or s4 sleep state.

Disabling sleep and hibernate should solve it.

thanks, I wasint sure if that was an " error " or just information. if none of those codes are worth worrying about now or the future I may as well leave it I think