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HeSuVi Best 7.1 Binaural Toolbox you will ever play with!

Level 7
Hello Fellow Gamers! Here is a Free Opensource Tool I've been following off and on for the past few months. short Description below of how truly amazing it is if you are a headphone gamer like myself. Sadly you feel unsatisfied with what we are given with SS3. Then Take a look at this. 😃 Please don't ask about how to install here I have posted the WiKi Link and Sourceforge link below it has all the answers and how guides you need. I dont mind answering questions but not technical ones as im not the owner nor the creator or the software just sharing.

This tool imitates the 7.1 to binaural sound effect of many surround virtualizations by making use of Equalizer APO's convolution filter. Available are impulse response that were recorded with activated...

– Dolby Atmos Headphone
– SBX Pro Studio Surround (also found in BlasterX Acoustic Engine & THX TruStudio Pro)
– Dolby Headphone
– Sennheiser GSX Binaural 7.1
– DTS Headphone:X
– Windows Sonic Headphone
– Dolby Home Theater v4 Headphone Surround Virtualizer
– Razer Surround
– Out Of Your Head
– Flux HEar V3
– OpenAL and DirectSound3D HRTFs
– Waves Nx
– and many more!

Download Link To HeSuVi

WiKi Link

Level 7
It took me a good bit to figure out how to install it. But to help you a bit Ill post what i did below.
I uninstalled the UAD driver along with SS3 & Sonic Radar. ran CCleaner
Installed the legacy driver that MOKICHU posted to me a while back the one that doesn't come with SS3 rebooted installed HeSuVi to have it start working make sure you select 4800Hz If your headphones/headset do not support 4800hz this will not work. and 7.1ch or it wont work. Run the 7.1 test if you hear the LFE channel and all the other channels sound like they are in the right position then you have installed it and followed the wiki right.

If people become interested in this I will post links to drivers but you can easily search for them from MoKiChu or Dl them from your Mobo download site.

Level 7
Now I am fighting choosing drivers, sometimes ss3 not work... what version have you?

dexter94 wrote:
Now I am fighting choosing drivers, sometimes ss3 not work... what version have you?

EDIT: ReWrote My Reply as I figured out you can use SS3 with HeSuVi just would not recommend doing so.

Ah yea I Use these Drivers I don't use SS3 EQ's or anything with HeSuVi together I just use the volume and EQ killer type thing for browser and discord.

Why are you trying to use SS3 with HeSuVi? just asking? What you are trying to do as HeSuVi has SS3 HRiR built in to it aswell. so...

I packaged the drivers I use for the z270 its non UAD from the my code driver page. but I recommend downloading drivers from your mobo driver page. You don't really need SS3 as it doesnt server a real purpose. But if you really want it and have a z270 board try these after you uninstall USE CCleaner after uninstall. Link below.

After install following each step from the WiKi test sound with 7.1 test if it works and you hear you LFE channel you are good to go 😃 play around with the differnt HRIR's I personally like to use either Dolby DTS Headphone:X or Sennheiser GSX Binaural 7.1