dexter94 wrote:
Now I am fighting choosing drivers, sometimes ss3 not work... what version have you?
EDIT: ReWrote My Reply as I figured out you can use SS3 with HeSuVi just would not recommend doing so.
Ah yea I Use these Drivers I don't use SS3 EQ's or anything with HeSuVi together I just use the volume and EQ killer type thing for browser and discord.
Why are you trying to use SS3 with HeSuVi? just asking? What you are trying to do as HeSuVi has SS3 HRiR built in to it aswell. so...
I packaged the drivers I use for the z270 its non UAD from the my code driver page. but I recommend downloading drivers from your mobo driver page. You don't really need SS3 as it doesnt server a real purpose. But if you really want it and have a z270 board try these after you uninstall USE CCleaner after uninstall. Link below. install following each step from the WiKi test sound with 7.1 test if it works and you hear you LFE channel you are good to go
😃 play around with the differnt HRIR's I personally like to use either Dolby DTS Headphone:X or Sennheiser GSX Binaural 7.1