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[Help] ASUS Strix z270E Gaming / CPU Fan error detected

Level 7

This year I tried to go big (before get married), and started with a new build, threw away my old AMD (first build), and now I'm with Intel (second build).

So I bought this Motherboard Strix z270E, i7 7700K and a Corsair H100i v2... Right now I have everything but GPU... so I just turn on the PC to install Windows (so PC is clean), but in the boot screen says that I have connected a Mouse, Keyboard, SSD's and a HD, everything seems fine after this but, at the bottom of the screen appears a message with "CPU Fan Error Detected" and for help I need to press F1...

When I check the Cooler I can see that both fans are working, I have connected to a AIO? Connector in the motherboard ? Tried to put in those CPU fan 4 pin connector, but same error, and searching on web browser I found that I can connect the Cooler to that 4 pin AIO? connector and the fans to CPU Fan/CPU Opt, and after that no more error, but in BIOS menu I saw that the CPU temperature is so high (90•)... I did put thermal compound... also I noticed that one of the pins from the cooler is missing I mean it should be 4pin connector and I just have 3, Could be that the problem ?*

Sorry english is not my best and will try to answer any question asap because I'm at work and dont have access to my PC ... any help would be much appreciated

Thank you
Manuel C*

Level 15

Chino wrote:
You can connect your AIO's pump to the AIO_PUMP header and your fans to the CPU_FAN header.

Thanks for help, but what are those CPU_FAN Header? aren't those CPU_Fan and Opt ?

Level 7
No the pump cable is a 3 pin it's normal....
Set the 3 pin pump cable on the AIO Pump header to the motherboard....
and the 2 4 pin cable from the fan's to the CPU Fan and CPU Fan Optional and try again...
make sure your 4 screws for the pump are tight and sitting correctly....
and the thermal paste is ok and not to much....

p.s: Chino was quicker then me 🙂

nikos xatz wrote:

* p.s: Chino was quicker then me 🙂

I did those steps...
- Connect the AIO pump to *motherboard [AIO_PUMP] (But looks like isn't detected)
*- Connect those two fans to CPU_FAN/OPT
- Pump installation is good
- Thermal paste is enough...

Just turn on PC and after 4 mins it was over 75• . I did check the fans, the radiator was cold, but the procesdor getting hot...

Could be the thermal paste (used an 2 years old from Rosewill (RCX-TC001) that I used with first build? or maybe I need to buy a new cooler 😩

I just attached a picture about the problem...

*Thanks for help in advance
Manuel C**


Connect it to your CPU Fan Header, and connect a regular fan in the other and try.
Its weird but when I use my Corsair H110 I get the same problem unless I connect another 120mm or 140mm fan to the other header.

qUAanA wrote:

Connect it to your CPU Fan Header, and connect a regular fan in the other and try.
Its weird but when I use my Corsair H110 I get the same problem unless I connect another 120mm or 140mm fan to the other header.

Thanks for help but this is a bit confusing to me, because fans are working but the AIO_ Pump shows that nothing is connected, and the cpu hits high temperature... if I do what you saying that will fix that problem ?

ok make a few steps to check where the problem is...
1) Try another Thermal Paste
2) Connect a fan in the AIO PUMP Header and see in bios(Advanced Mode -> Monitor) if it show's the rpm's....
3) Connect the AIO PUMP to the CPU FAN Header and check in bios(Advanced Mode -> Monitor) the rpm's....
I see in your picture (FAN PROFILE) you have something connect to the HAMP Header?????

mhcvel wrote:
I did those steps...
- Connect the AIO pump to *motherboard [AIO_PUMP] (But looks like isn't detected)
*- Connect those two fans to CPU_FAN/OPT
- Pump installation is good
- Thermal paste is enough...

Just turn on PC and after 4 mins it was over 75• . I did check the fans, the radiator was cold, but the procesdor getting hot...

Could be the thermal paste (used an 2 years old from Rosewill (RCX-TC001) that I used with first build? or maybe I need to buy a new cooler ��

I just attached a picture about the problem...

*Thanks for help in advance
Manuel C**

Did you verify your pump physically to see if it's indeed working?

Chino wrote:
Did you verify your pump physically to see if it's indeed working?
It's working, I can feel it cooler when fans running, the radiator went cold and vibration a little...

But well looks like I just messed with something, yesterday removed everything, to see if I missed something, maybe a wire, I did clean and re applied thermal paste to processor and now the PC isn't even turning ON... I can't see any light in Motherboard about CPU_LED, just in Power_LED and VGA_LED (Red and Orange) and I can't find any Motherboard light, maybe the CPU went potato =\*

The light on CPU_LED just blink a red light for a second after turn ON the PC and mouse is not even being detected =]*