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Asus Strix Z270i - Issues, Red CPU LED..

Level 7

So i built a new PC a few days ago and today when turning it off and moving it to a new desk, issues occured. (Rarely turn my pc´s off). After having it moved to the new desk, i plugin all the cables and start the pc - Wont POST and CPU_LED is lightning solid red. Pressed reboot button, took 5-10 sec then it rebooted and started flawlessly into windows.

I can reproduce the issue 8/10 times (tested) by turning PC off, pull power-cord out and wait 3-5 min each time, then it most likely wont post and getting stuck with red cpu led. It did happen once when i tested just rebooting system a few times aswell. I have reseated CPU + Cooler, no joy. Cant spot any bent pins, looks fine to me. I have no OC, only XMP turned on (3000mhz Corsair) rest is stock + fast boot turned off. The PC works flawlessly in Windows, been running stress-tests (Realbench) for 2 hrs. Will run overnight aswell.. Works fine in games, been playing Wildlands all week without hiccups.

I tried to reproduce the error with XMP turned off = Bios completely stock. Only tried 3 times, it booted every time fine, i will try more times to reproduce the issue with XMP off. So far with what i have tested, it seems to be a issue with xmp/bios, any suggestions? Been using google most of the day and it seems to be the exact same issue that people HAD with Asus z87-a, been reading quite a few topics about that which match my issues very well.

Asus Strix z270i-gaming @ latest bios 0607 - Same issue on both available bios.
Intel i7 7700k (Delidded with Rockit88 delid tool) - works fine, had to be done because of 85+ temps @ stock in games, 90+ Aida64.. Now around 65c.
16GB Corsair 3000mhz ddr4 - CMK16GX4M2B3000C15
Asus GTX 1080Ti
Samsung 960 EVO 250GB M2 + 2x 250GB 850EVO.
Corsair AX1200i PSU
Corsair H100i v2 cooler
Corsair Obsidian 250D

Hopefully someone have a answer 🙂 Thanks!

I was looking in the Windows 64-bit section on the board's service page and didn't see when the update was released. For some reason only in that section it isn't showing up. Thanks for pointing out. For me it seems like it's finally fixed. During the next few days I'll see how it behaves, but coldbooting with the XMP profile enabled is working just fine right now! 🙂

The new bios made the coldboot bug even worse for me. Now it happens om EVERY restart/start. Going back to 0607. Even with my relaxed timings, i cant boot. Im so close to giving up and ordering gigabytes itx board, this is driving me mad 😞

Edit: Ok, managed to reboot successfully a few times before it happend again. Still, my issue was "better" on 0607..

Malkan wrote:
Now it happens om EVERY restart/start.

That was the case for me as well. Your mileage may and will vary, but I went to not using the XMP profile as is, but doing it manually. I got it working by giving the CPU voltage an 80mV plus, 1.379v for RAM (a little higher than specified) and had to actually decrease VCCIO to 0.9375v and System Agent to 1.025v. Having VCCIO and SA voltages where the overclocking guide tells them to be is unstable for me and would give me the red LED every time I'd turn the machine on.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the update brought a nice addition to the LED functionality with it. Now the Aura lighting turns off more quickly after the system shuts down and also when it goes to sleep.

nope, 0704 doesnt work for me either! Random coldboot bug still.

btw, can any of you connect to the internet from bios?

kingkajsdhaskasda wrote:
nope, 0704 doesnt work for me either! Random coldboot bug still.

btw, can any of you connect to the internet from bios?

Nope. Didn't think it would work and so it proved to be the case. Sounds great in theory but..... Just download the cap file and use the tool function to install BIOS updates. Works fine and gets easier with every iteration of Asus motherboard. When I think back to how scary and difficult it was 15 to 20 yrs back it is the proverbial "piece of piss" nowadays!

No0B25 wrote:
That was the case for me as well. Your mileage may and will vary, but I went to not using the XMP profile as is, but doing it manually. I got it working by giving the CPU voltage an 80mV plus, 1.379v for RAM (a little higher than specified) and had to actually decrease VCCIO to 0.9375v and System Agent to 1.025v. Having VCCIO and SA voltages where the overclocking guide tells them to be is unstable for me and would give me the red LED every time I'd turn the machine on.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the update brought a nice addition to the LED functionality with it. Now the Aura lighting turns off more quickly after the system shuts down and also when it goes to sleep.

Funny, ive tried a zillion settings but seems like (KNOCK ON MODDAF*CKKIN* WOOD 😛 ) that it works now, With most of your settings except cpu voltage which im running at 1.185v (stock freq).

Has been a couple of days of stable coldboots, sofar! :cool:

Nope. Didn't think it would work and so it proved to be the case. Sounds great in theory but..... Just download the cap file and use the tool function to install BIOS updates. Works fine and gets easier with every iteration of Asus motherboard. When I think back to how scary and difficult it was 15 to 20 yrs back it is the proverbial "piece of piss" nowadays!

Just annoying that an IMO basic feature like connecting to the internet is fawlty, when i have a old Asrock h87m-itx mobo for a htpc, and it connects to the internet every time flawlessly.

But as you said, using a usb is ok i suppose compared to the hassles of yesteryears 🙂

Not only is it easy to do with a USB stick but installing an earlier version of your current BIOS threw up no strange problems or wobbles. Something Asus have got right at least!

I am having a very similar problem with my Maximus IX Formula.

I have 4 sticks of 8 GB Trident Z 3733 MHZ ram that was working fine on XMP settings until this weekend. This past weekend I upgraded my GPUs from 1080s to 1080tis and now my PC won't cold boot (the system won't post, but all the LEDs and Q-Code lights are on, receiving Q-Code 00) unless I turn off the PSU, let it sit for a few second and then turn everything back on. I can replicate all steps I described almost 100% of the time.

Things I've tried so far:

  • Booting with 1 stick of ram and alternating DIMMs;
  • Manually entering memory timing information; and
  • Enabling fast boot and disabling memory check.

The only thing that seems to resolve the issue that I have tried so far is turning off XMP and setting the memory to Auto settings so it runs at 2133 MHZ.

Note: I haven't played with the voltage at this stage, but will when I get home.

The reason I'm so confused is that up until I changed my GPUs everything was working fine. I don't understand why all of a sudden the ram can't run at XMP settings.

TheWizardMan wrote:
I am having a very similar problem with my Maximus IX Formula.

I have 4 sticks of 8 GB Trident Z 3733 MHZ ram that was working fine on XMP settings until this weekend. This past weekend I upgraded my GPUs from 1080s to 1080tis and now my PC won't cold boot (the system won't post, but all the LEDs and Q-Code lights are on, receiving Q-Code 00) unless I turn off the PSU, let it sit for a few second and then turn everything back on. I can replicate all steps I described almost 100% of the time.

Things I've tried so far:

  • Booting with 1 stick of ram and alternating DIMMs;
  • Manually entering memory timing information; and
  • Enabling fast boot and disabling memory check.

The only thing that seems to resolve the issue that I have tried so far is turning off XMP and setting the memory to Auto settings so it runs at 2133 MHZ.

Note: I haven't played with the voltage at this stage, but will when I get home.

The reason I'm so confused is that up until I changed my GPUs everything was working fine. I don't understand why all of a sudden the ram can't run at XMP settings.

I can't get this working and I'm very frustrated. Especially since it worked until I upgraded my GPUs. I don't understand what's happening. The PC will turn on consistently at 2133 MHZ but that's it.

In case anyone is having the same problem, I believe I was able to get the memory stable by using the settings here as guide. So far I'm stable with my DRAM voltage at 1.35 (recommended for this ram), CCIO Voltage at 1.20, Agent voltage at 1.20 and system set to Maximus Tweak Mode 1.