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Asus Strix Z270E wont Wake UP after Sleep and sound issue

Level 7
Case : Cooler Master CM 690 III
PSU : Toppower Nano 800w 80 Plus Bronce (from my old PC)
MB : ASUS Strix Z270e
RAM : Corsair Vengance White Led (2 x 8GB) DDR4 3200MHz (CMU16GX4M2C3200C16)
Graphics card : ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 8GB ROG STRIX Edition
CPU : Intel i7-7700
O/S : Win10 Pro 64-bit
DVD drive : LG SATA drive
SSD : Kingston V300 240Gb
Keyboard: Corsair Gaming K70 RGB RAPIDFIRE Mechanical Keyboard, Backlit RGB LED


Hi, how are you, recently updated my PC and buy an Asus Strix Z270e, a micro intel i7 7700, an asus strix 1070GTX and memories Corsair Vengance White LED 2x8 3200mhz whose voltage is 1.35 according to what I read in the text of the manufacturer.
The problem I currently have is only when I use the suspend / sleep option of the computer, at that time the computer is suspended and everything goes off, so far so good, the subject is when I move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard to return to Use the pc, at that moment it becomes slow and the screen goes black, after a while returns to the desktop and lock everything or sometimes just the screen is black and the pc is restarted.

Another thing is that sometimes the sound gets in like noise and it makes a noise like a shot and it suddenly raises the volume.

Try flashing the motherboard: with all the bios of the page and the same lock and restart.

Try installing the latest drivers or installing the drivers that theoretically would and will do the same.

try reinstalling Win 10, anniversary and Creators updates.

Try CMOS Clear nothing happens same error.

For me it is ram configuration problem or something like that or I do not know if the ram is faulty, I hope it is not the motherboard ..

Now im using the bios that came with the DVD and the manual

i dont think thats its an Nvidia driver problem cause i try changing my new 1070gtx with my old one 960gtx and the same problem occur

Hi AguchoB

Since your pc is a fairly new upgrade I will suggest not using sleep and see if you still have any problems. I haven't tried the creators update but I been hearing some people having problems with it.

For now just stick with the regular version of windows 10, don't use sleep and see how things go.

I'm a little skeptical about your psu, I never heard of that brand.

Give us an update at anytime.

hello nate, thx for the advice, ill ready try that and when i use hibernate i dont have any problem. the system seems to be stable apart of that little issue.

i ready try the other version of windows in the same problems presents..

these are my 3dmark results

i dont have problem gaming, then only problem its the suspend issue and sound issue that some times its gets higher by itself and makes strange noise, i thing the noise problem comes with the Sonic studio Software.

also i try using my stock defaults settings and using XMP profile., i dont know how to config and overclock the rams manually.

thx for the help

All right

I would not use sleep or suspend if it's causing problems.

Do you have the latest Realtek driver installed from the ASUS Support Center ?

right now im using 8151 ver. realtek

but, i read that hibernate can cause damage to my SSD. its that right??

but theres other option to resolve this apart from not to use suspension???

my pc put in suspension by it self.

maybe trying to configure the ram manually??, or maybe we must for asus to release a New Bios with S3 update.?

In the windows power options set "Put the computer to sleep" - Never

It's possible your ram may be unstable and sometimes setting it manually will give better results, you may need to raise the cpu system agent voltage and cpu vccio voltage to achieve 100% stability.

Try setting your ram manually with the cpu system agent voltage and cpu vccio voltage at 1.20v, if that doesn't seem to help raise them both to 1.25v.

If you need help setting your ram manually just say so. 🙂

Thx. In noob with overclock., i dont Know where to start.. Can You tell the whole process i never do the.manual settings.. Or show me a picture., step by step.. Sorry im New at this.

Sure, but after this reply I'm heading to bed. 🙂

You have a z270e board and your bios may be a little different so...

Reset the bios to defaults with F5

On the extreme tweaker tab:

1) Set the Dram Frequency to 3200MHz
2) Enter in 1.35v for the Dram Voltage
3) Enter in 1.20v for the cpu system agent voltage
4) Enter in 1.20v for the cpu vccio voltage

5) Go to Dram Timing Control and at the very top enter in the primary timings, there may only be three timings to enter.

command rate 2N or 2T

F10 and enter to save and exit, if it still gives you trouble try system agent and vccio voltages to 1.25v.

Good night, I'll check back tomorrow to see if your still having trouble.

hello nate, i try doing what you say step by step and got the same error, suspension mode freeze my Rig when it trys to wake up, it shows me the desktop and then it freeze and i have to restart., i will try a fresh install of windows 8.1 to see whats happend.

maybe i need to change the ram kit i dont know.

what do you think about to disable the C6/C7 States to see if the problem is the PSU that not support those states?

I just notice something strange, once the computer goes into sleep state, and it hangs as we know what happens when it tries to wake up, what happens when it restarts the next time is that it is exactly in the position where I enter state Sleep like that did not restart from 0 and load the whole system again is weird .