I find the whole notion of HDD LEDs a little odd these days.
Back in the dark ages of computing we needed an indicator on the front of the chassis to see if/when the thing was working. You could tell a lot about what your computer was (or wasn't) doing by looking at the LED. But these days the HDD LED is not even connected. More accurately, it's connected to the motherboard and it does get lit, but it doesn't actually convey any useful information about if/when the system drive or any other drive is actually doing something. Built into every PC chassis but it serves little purpose.
I would much rather prefer a bank of HDD LEDs which could be linked directly to connectors in a number of physical drives, not indirectly to whatever the motherboard thinks is probably happening. Ideally a two-colour indicator which (roughly) indicates Read and Write operations - it's not a decorative LED so it might as well be a maximally functional one, lol.
(Then again, I also imagine a "perfect" world where every USB port has such a multi-colour indicator, let you know when the port hardware itself detects a USB device plugged in, and when it's actively reading or writing data. And I'm still enamoured by standard-issue numeric panels from ancient PCs - even though the values they displayed were manually configured by physical jumpers across the LED segments instead of some sort of automatic real-time hardware monitor - boy, were those things cool!)
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