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Z170 VIII Hero can't use some peripheral card???

Level 7
Maximus VIII Hero and Ranger can't use some peripheral card on PCIEX4_3 or PCIE X8 _ 2
It can't be detected in OS when I put some card in PCIEX4_3 or PCIE X8 _ 2 slot.
(BIOS 0401 / 0508 have the same situation)

The cards I had try are as below

Avermedia H727 (TV/Video Capture card)......................Fail
Compro E900F (TV card)................................................Fail
Compro E500(TV card)...................................................Fail
Creative sound blaster ZxR ...........................................Pass
this motherboard is so cool I have used for peripheral card. =.= 😞

How can I use the peripheral card on PCIEX4_3 ???

Level 14
I don't know about your TV cards but when you have a card in slot PCIEX4_3 it disables 2 of the PCIEX1 slots


but my TV cards are original PCI-E x1 spec., so the PCIEX1_2 / PCIEX1_3 should not be disable when I put it on PCIEX4_3.
(and I have a sound card still work on PCIEx1_3)

these TV card only work on PICEx1 but they can't work on PCIEx4_3 or PCIEx8_2
PS: these card work fine on every PCIE slots of Maximus VII Hero before.

Level 14
Sorry I don't have an answer for you, maybe someone else will be able to help

😄 it's ok
thanks for your reply.

customer service also have no idea for this problem. ><

Level 7
not to high jack this thread but i had issues myself with my 3 tv cards whiles using only 0503 yet with both 0214 and 0401 it worked fine in pciex8_2 also you might wanna check here for more details on what i noticed

thank you. 🙂


0902 BIOS fixed this PCI-E problem

If you guys have the peripheral card can't be detected, you can update 0902
it's fine for this issue.

I'm having the same problem with z170m-plus bios 412. Two different 100% functional x1 PCIe DVB-T TV tuners are not detected by this MB. First is Dvico dual express and second one is some dual-tuner Avermedia. I'm not using any other PCIe slot on MB. It gets more wierd. I also have 5 different USB DVB-T dongles which are working on every other non-z170 computer. In this one they are detected, installed but Windows will crash or freeze when I scan for channels. Other than that computer will pass every single torture test with no problems. I'll try x1 network adapter and x16 vga in those slots and check if they are working or not. What do you guys think? Bad board or bad BIOS?

nevven wrote:
I'm having the same problem with z170m-plus bios 412. Two different 100% functional x1 PCIe DVB-T TV tuners are not detected by this MB. First is Dvico dual express and second one is some dual-tuner Avermedia. I'm not using any other PCIe slot on MB. It gets more wierd. I also have 5 different USB DVB-T dongles which are working on every other non-z170 computer. In this one they are detected, installed but Windows will crash or freeze when I scan for channels. Other than that computer will pass every single torture test with no problems. I'll try x1 network adapter and x16 vga in those slots and check if they are working or not. What do you guys think? Bad board or bad BIOS?

Problem persists with new 0503 BIOS. PCIe slots are working with USB 3.0 add-on PCIe card.