I searched and found lots of BOOT ORDER issues, none exact;y like this and none that I saw, had any solutions.
just built new system, 6700K, 64GBDDR4, SATA config:
Intel 5,6 - 2 TB SSDs, Windows System (mirrored by Windows)
Intel 1-4 - 8 TB disks
ASM 1,2 - 8 TB disks
everything was working fine, rebooted many times during build, SSDs always booted with no issues
Detected problem with Intel Virtualization, BIOS indicated enabled, BUT, Intel utility indicated NOT enabled.
Was told to install latest BIOS. Started Internet process to install 3802, but didn't work. After that, SSDs never showed up as candidates for BOOT ORDER. What did show up was Intel ports 1,2(they never had a system on them) and IBA GE devices (which are Intel NICs). All 10 drives are always in OVERRIDE list, BUT SSDs were never part of BOOT ORDER choices again.
Obviously, the BIOS from Internet option trashed something. Really bad design when one part of BOOT screen shows me 10 drives as OVERRIDE boot devices, BUT other part won't let me choose which one permanently.
Tried following, but nothing worked:
1) Completed 3802 install with USB stick, same symptoms afterwards. NOTE: this did resolve the Virtualization issue, now Intel utility shows everything active.
2) Disabled Intel NICs, they do in fact DISABLE, BUT, they are not replaced with anything.
3) Reset to factory defaults, same symptoms
I am going to move SSDs to Intel port 1,2, BUT, even if that works, it does not change the fact that there are at least 2 bugs in BIOS code:
A) Internet process should not destroy boot-ability. Certainly can add NICs to candidates, BUT DO NOT throw out other choices
B) BOOT Options should ALWAYs allow any bootable device detected to be placed in boot order
Please dont advise me to go back to old BIOS, not viable option since it has the Virtualization issue.