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More detailed BIOS update descriptions please!

Level 8
ASUS need to up their game when it comes to details in regards to what a new firmware does.

Improve system stability could mean just about anything from locking out functions, enabling functions or optimizing how functions work.

If you'd like more details in the BIOS update descriptions. Please do so and let ASUS know that we are unhappy and what we would like to be expressed in the BIOS update description to fix that unhappiness.

2nd'ing this request.

More detailed changelogs, please.

The lack of information strikes me as unprofessional.

Make it a poll! Let's vote! 😉

Chino wrote:
I doubt they will change the way things are done.

If enough people speak up things do normally change.

By not describing the changes in more detail gives me the opinion that they do not think we are important enough to do so. If we are not important enough to be given more details maybe I should no longer buy ASUS and buy from a company that does value its customers enough to detail their updates.

Jagdseelen wrote:
If enough people speak up things do normally change.

By not describing the changes in more detail gives me the opinion that they do not think we are important enough to do so. If we are not important enough to be given more details maybe I should no longer buy ASUS and buy from a company that does value its customers enough to detail their updates.

They don't want other manufacturers to know what has been changed in each BIOS revision. If your purchase isn't working the way you expect, return it and buy from another brand.

On a personal note. When it comes to BIOS updates, I don't think anyone is as good as ASUS though. 🙂

Chino wrote:
They don't want other manufacturers to know what has been changed in each BIOS revision. If your purchase isn't working the way you expect, return it and buy from another brand.

On a personal note. When it comes to BIOS updates, I don't think anyone is as good as ASUS though. 🙂

you got a point asus still mutch better on this then you try to recover other msi or giga bioses from failed flash MSI uses FPT
Asus did very good job to protect data on chip to not get it corrupt Even flashback never go bad on chip.
With FPT you have less luck to recover if system comming unbootable MSI board have chip soldered to board so its not good choice to recover bios in home but asus is way more easyer to get it working again with simple tools in home.

Level 8
Don't know how to make a poll in the ASUS forum soz.

Level 7
I spent a half hour on Hold with ASUS Support trying to get more information on my latest bios update before I applied it, only to get them to read back the "Update microcode" or "Change Setup/HDD password rule" descriptions that are on the download page. Also infuriates me that thaey cannot provide sufficient details on their hardware (i.e bios, network , trackpad, m2 slot, etc). I admit I had higher expectations for ASUS support, but thus far they are no better than any other laptop manufacturer I have dealt with. I did answer a survey which prompted a call-back on my lunch hour and I attempted to explain my dis-satisfaction with the phone rep only to have them defend their first line support people and he actually hung up on me. I was not being rude or uncivil, just speaking the truth which they just did not want to hear.

maf23 wrote:
I spent a half hour on Hold with ASUS Support trying to get more information on my latest bios update before I applied it, only to get them to read back the "Update microcode" or "Change Setup/HDD password rule" descriptions that are on the download page. Also infuriates me that thaey cannot provide sufficient details on their hardware (i.e bios, network , trackpad, m2 slot, etc). I admit I had higher expectations for ASUS support, but thus far they are no better than any other laptop manufacturer I have dealt with. I did answer a survey which prompted a call-back on my lunch hour and I attempted to explain my dis-satisfaction with the phone rep only to have them defend their first line support people and he actually hung up on me. I was not being rude or uncivil, just speaking the truth which they just did not want to hear.

Do you feel like your a valued customer?