07-22-201806:17 PM - last edited on 03-06-202407:38 PM by ROGBot
I saved my bios profile because I overclocked the board, and I didn't want to have to do all the settings over again.
I flashed a new bios, and when I tried to import the settings, it would not work, which made me feel like these settings saved, are only good on the bios you are on?
Can saved bios settings, be imported to newer bios, if so, how? Because this isn't working for me.
I have tested with my Biossettings. I make a Backupupimage to the first Saveslot in Bios and on a USB-Stick. Then I make a Bios-Reset and want to restore the Settings with the Backup-Files. But I can't restore. The Process fresses after starting the Restore. I use the latest Bios for my MB (3801). I have testesd this behavior with the second Bios with the original-Version which come with the Mainboard, so this Version have no Problems to restore onlie the newer Versions of the Bios cannot restore.