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HELP mouse stuttering when i am benchmarking in winrar

Level 10
Hi so i have a very strange behavior on my sistem, when i am bencharking in winrar my mouse starts to stutter while i am moving it. This is related somehow with the drivers sonic studio? I have a asus maximus viii hero and 6700k, no overclock. but the strange thing is that when i am booting in windows and i am going in winrar directly it doesn't stutter but if i am trying after 10 minutes again it starts to stutter. I have no cpu overheat or something, everything is cool. Does anybody else have this problem?

Level 15
If your benchmark puts a complete load (100%) on the CPU, then it's normal to have your mouse stuttering. Kinda like when you run Prime95 and try to move your mouse around.

Level 10
Hy Chino, in the matter of fact i had 4790k and i didn't had that problem so i started to reproduce to see where the problem might be so i found out that the problem persist when i have Origin opened, i don't know how is this related but it seems that when is opened Origin my mouse starts to stutter when i am benchmarking in winrar but when i am closing origin my mouse moves smooth. Now my question is how is this possible?

Hi Shakecip

It's hard to say why origin is causing the stutter but when benchmarking you should have all other programs closed.

Level 7
This is caused by Sonic suite. Remove it and the mouse stuttering under high loads will go away.


And there doesn't seem to be any intention from ASUS for a fix.

Level 10
So how do i remove sonic studio? Because i can't find to remove it.

Edit: so i uninstaled sonic plugin but still sttuters in winrar when benchmarking with origin opened. There is somewhere else that i need to uninstall? I noticed that svloadsense remains. Is this related with sonic studio?

Level 13
Mouse stuttering and other hardware lags are to be expected if the Benchmark is worth its salt. If you can multi task while a benchmark is running that benchmark isnt doing a very good job. Would you expect a high performance car to have the same 0-60 properties when you put a horse trailer behind it with 6 horses in it?

As already stated to get accurate benchmark results all background apps should be closed including Sonic Studio and Origin.

svloadsense is part of sonic studio.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 10
I understand what are you saying but the thing is that it happens only if i have origin opened, this doesn't happening when is running steam or uplay. I know that if you are benchmarking is good to close all aplications but i was pointing out that it doesn't happening if steam and uplay are opened and the mouse stutter only with winrar if i have opened origin and so far just in winrar for example with occt my mouse isn't stuttering.