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Forum Posts

ME Firmware question

Hi,This will likely turn into a long post, so I just wanted to thank you for your time if you end up reading it. I have read numerous threads on this forum about the ME FW issue being a corrupted part of the bios. If I understand correctly, t...

joebeem by Level 7
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ASUS Straight Edge Podcast - episode 2 - fan controls with Mike Chin of SPCR

Episode 2 is now live!Click here to listen to the podcasthttp://feeds.feedburner.com/ASUS-StraightEdgeTimestamps:0~0.48 Intro0.48~3:20 The ASUS TMF3:20~21:57 Mike Chin on SPCR's testing chamber, ASUS fan controls, and fan control suggestionsQ&A sessi...

Raja by Level 13
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Asus Maximus VIII Hero UEFI voice error message "Line Failure"

My Asus Maximus VIII Hero is giving me an error message via the onboard audio, saying "Line Failure". I can't find anything in a Google search to tell me what it means. The message is spoken by the UEFI, and is the same in Windows 10 (even with sound...

asus MAXIMUS VIII EXTREME gpu problem

Hi i have a problem i cannot work out.I have a asus MAXIMUS VIII EXTREME withi7 770k64gb ram3 evga gtx 970scorsair rm850x psumy problem is i can only get the pc to work with only 2 gpus inwhen i add the 3rd windows pops up with driver errors .My bios...

M.2 Raid 0 - 170-Deluxe Problem

Hey there,I have a Problem with my Mainboard and the Raidconfiguration. I'm trying very hard to get the Raid config on this board to work. Right now I have 2 Kingston Hyper X Predator M.2 PCIe SSD and 2 WD Black 2TB SATA installed. When everything is...

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gaRt3n by Level 7
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Resolved! Z170 Pro. How can I enable Bluetooth on it?

A few days ago, I started a conversation (https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/intel-700-600-series/prime-z790-a-wifi-do-i-need-external-bluetooth-usb-or-other/td-p/965448) regarding enabling Bluetooth on a recently built PC of mine. Thanks to the answers I...

PCI Memory Controller SM Bus Controller (Maximus Hero VIII)

Hi all, I reformatted my PC a couple of weeks ago (I tend to do this every year or so depending on how creeky things get! ) Usual setup, reformat my OS SSDlatest Windows 10 from the media creation toolInstall all the asus mobo drivers followed by ev...

sHAYM4N by Level 7
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TPM2.0 Module for Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1

I am trying to figure out which TPM 2.0 module I need and if it is something I can purchase directly from Asus? It looks like it is the 20-1 pin that I need, but dang, so many different ones of those. The motherboard I need it for is the Sabertooth Z...

ms974d by Level 7
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Q Code 99 issue and how I solved it.

This is my first high endish gaming computer, my old Asus G51 was not playing games on high or even medium well anymore so I decided to upgrade and thats what leads to this post. Here is my setup. VIII Hero MotherboardI5-6600KGskill 32Gb Ram 4x8WD 1...

Bios Erp S4 or S5?

Hi everyone I have a new gaming pc, with an asus maximix VIII hero. I had read about the erp setting in bios to limit power usage when the pc is off, but there are two options like s4 or s4+s5.Can someone explain me the differences between those two ...