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Asus Z170 Gene too slow startup on Windows 10?!...

Level 10
hi guys,

I'm new to the ROG series and been using the Z170 Gene since 2 months.

while playing around I realized that the bootup procedure from cold start up to desktop takes almost 30sec.

I'm using Windows 10 Pro x64 and I see that most of the time goes to the bios part prior the Windows welcome screen.

I would appreciate any help and information on how to optimize my bios settings (running the latest 1402).

I've also noticed slow start up recently.

Always used to get v fast start up now I reckon it's about double/triple the time before I hear the audible beep and see the asus ROG splash screen


thanks for all the replies guys.

regarding USB, I have a keyboard a mouse and a flash drive permanently attached and being used.
I can try booting without them but I have no idea how this could help?!

what I find strange is that some guys find 30sec to desktop normal and others not.
is anyone getting faster cold boot times with any Asus Z170 ROG?

I find also the post and boot sequence strange:
- first a get a black screen
- then a short post message (set post time to 1sec.)
- then again black screen (set start logo to off)
- then a Windows 10 welcome screen for a couple of seconds
- then a very short black screen again
- then a second longer Windows 10 welcome screen (with a motherboard "click" sound in the background)
- lastly and finally at the desktop...

taks manager reports 10.9 sec by the way, if this is purely the Windows 10 load time then I spent a total of almost 20sec in the bios post phase. the total of 30sec cold boot time was measured with a stop watch. the whole looks strange to me somehow?!

can someone using Z170 ROG confirm this roughly?

any idea how long the ram training really takes, just as an info?

my Windows 10 installation is UEFI and all drives are GPT so this shouldn't be an issue.

I've noticed the same thing. As far as I know Asus boards have been giving the double splash screen since Sandy Bridge but it didn't take as long as my Hero VIII.

It doesn't really bother me as I boot my PC up maybe once a month after installing updates, otherwise it's on all the time. Boot up time is such an over rated performance metric that hardly seems to matter, especially for desktop's.

Level 7
Same board, this is my boot time, for me is too slow but for many person is ok for chip z170...

At this link you can see my video (sorry for english and quality......)

I make 3 test:
-In windows i disconnect psu cable
-switch off pc
-switch off pc and disconnect psu cable

(from this discussion)

Hello all,

I had the same issue as the one related by the OP

Just make sure that you have CSM disabled and boot set to Windows mode (don't remember the proper setting name) and that you have and installation of Windows 10 with a GPT partition.

My boot times decreased com 19 to 9 seconds after converting my windows installation from MBR to GPT.

Check this thread:

I already have Windows 10 installed on a GPT SSD, all my HDD drives are also GPT.
I didn't disable CSM yet though, the first thing I'll try out next.

Level 10
I figured out some changes I want to share with you guys.
first of all disabling CSM and all unnecessary ports helped a lot to reduce the boot time.
but what helped most was a clean install of Windows 10 Pro x64.
with both changes the boot time reduced to the half, that's a great result for me.

Level 12
There should be no double splash screen at all. I dont even get the first splash screen anymore just to desktop in 12 sec on R5E.
Maximus XI Formula, I9-9900k, Phantex Evolove X, Seasonic Titanium 850W, Custom loop PE360+SE360 Rad, G.Skill Trident Z F4-3200C14 32g, Nvidia Reference RTX 2080 TI, Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1Tb, Windows 11

Level 10
me too after the clean install, so this double splash must have something to do with the OS installation as well.

I'd love to hear from people not seeing the double splash screen. I had issues with my first Hero VIII so sent it back, that was giving me the double splash. The replacement board seems to work fine but still the double splash screen.

I wonder what ASUS Technical marketing have to say about it???