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Which 24/7 OC would you use?

Level 11
Okay, so I updated to modded BIOS 1801 (thanks Gonzo) which of course led me to retry my overclocks, and for the first time I think I've found an OCCT stable 4.5Ghz overclock. My question is, is there anything safety/degradation wise in the difference between these two overclock settings that would make you prefer the 4.4 Ghz over the 4.5 Ghz settings?

In the list below, I'm listing what I have set in the BIOS, followed in parenthesis what I actually get as the maximum for that value over the course of a 3 hour OCCT run.

Both settings are with my 2666 kit at XMP. I don't plan on ever OC'ing memory.

Both settings have cache set to min 30/max 30 adaptive auto. Actual cache voltage never gets as high as 1v, generally stays around 0.95v.

The super-stable 4.4 Ghz OC Settings:

Ratio/Clock: 44x100
LLC: 7
Total Adaptive Voltage: 1.25v (1.28v)
Input Voltage: 1.9v (1.88v)
Max CPU Package Temperature Spike in OCCT: 74c
Max single CPU core temp in OCCT: 70c

The 4.5 Ghz OC Settings currently under testing, but final stable settings should be very close to this:

Ratio/Clock: 45x100
LLC: Auto
Total Adaptive Voltage: 1.295v (1.33v)
Input Voltage: 1.92v (1.95v)
Max CPU Package Temperature Spike in OCCT: 80c
Max single CPU core temp in OCCT: 75c

The 4.5Ghz OCCT run is still going, but I've passed 2 hours at this point. I'll update if anything like max temp changes during the run. Note that this run is going with Steam minimized, Bitdefender active, and me working on the browser during the run.

Note when evaluating for safety/degradation that this IS fully adaptive, so it'll only be at the higher voltages under load. With my 4.4Ghz OC In Witcher 3 on 3D Vision in 1440p, CPU never seems to go over 62c so I don't expect it to ever reach 70c with the 4.5Ghz settings.

So. Thoughts? Opinions? Are those 4.5Ghz voltages/temps reasonable/safe for a 5930k for 24/7? Any suggestions on how I could increase stability? For the 4.5Ghz run I have CPU Power Phase Control and both DRAM Power Phase Control settings set to Optimized, it seems to have improved stability. The CPU/VRM Spectrum settings are auto/disabled, I thought enabling those were helpful for a bit but, no, not in the long run.

Level 11
Thanks for your thoughts everyone.

Ye old 4.4Ghz settings were still going strong at 6 hours OCCT when I stopped it. Max temp spike 75c. Not going to waste the rest of the day running OCCT, it's gaming time. I will try leaving it for a longer test while I'm at work later this week. Whether that's on this modded 1801 or the new 1902 that just came out depends on whether we can find out if the microcode has been updated in 1902. I wish they'd give more detail on what's changed than "Improves Stability".

Qwinn on the other hand has the swift and a pair of 980ti's which at max game settings except AA of course, I bet he's pulling close to 144FPS in most games. I would say he would get anywhere from 5 - 10FPS increase if he overclocks his cpu and gpu's.

You're right that in 2D I could run most anything at 144fps. The thing is, I run pretty much every game in 3D Vision. This effectively halves your framerate. In Witcher 3 at 1440p on all max settings (except vsync, blur effects and AA, don't want or need any of those) in 3D Vision I can get 35-70 FPS. OC'ing does get me another 3-5 FPS in that which is definitely worth it. 3D Firestrike keeps telling me I am CPU bound at this point, hence the desire to OC to 4.5Ghz (which I've finally established to myself I *can't* get entirely stable without a new cooling solution or a new magic BIOS).

Nate, you're probably right. I'm not throwing away the 4.5Ghz OC settings that lasted 4.5 hours, it's a good backup for benchmarks and stuff at least. But for 24/7 I prefer stable-as-stock, that way if and when I do crash I can be pretty certain it's an app conflict or something along those lines, which could be resolved some other way. For a few months I was running at 4.5 Ghz 3.8 Ghz cache at 1.275v in the BIOS. Thought it was stable, though I would still crash in Witcher 3 once in a while. Then I tried OCCT. Failed in ten minutes 😕 Since I switched to the 4.4 Ghz settings I don't think I've crashed at all except for overambitious GPU overclocking (which, incidentally, passed 8 hours of Heaven Benchmark in 3D Vision, but can still crash Witcher 3, sigh). I'll be testing a lowered GPU OC more today.

Level 11
Ok, so, if anyone's interested, here's where I'm at now. (Truth to tell, I post these for two reasons: 1) a "hard copy" documentation of my setting for when I run an attempt, and 2) seriously, posting on forums while running OCCT frequently causes me to crash/freeze where I wouldn't have otherwise, it's like the ultimate stress test.)

Having decided to stick with 4.4 Ghz, I'm going for a mild cache overclock to go along with it, and let me tell you, it's a frikkin' bitch to get even the mildest cache overclock stable on my chip. I'm having decent results with the following though (3 hours OCCT + forum posting so far):

44x100 core, 38x100 cache
LLC: 6
Vcore: Adaptive 1.25 (1.28 under OCCT load)
Vcache: Manual 1.1v
Vinput: 1.95v (1.89v under OCCT load)
Memory: XMP settings (2666 15-15-15-35) @ 1.2v
CPU and DRAM Power Phase: Extreme
CPU and DRAM SVID: Disabled
VR Fault Management: Disabled
Internal PLL Overvoltage: Disabled
Max CPU package temp spike after 3 hour OCCT: 81c
Max CPU hottest single core spike after 3 hour OCCT: 76c

If this turns out to be stable, I might try running it again with a little lower vinput, but otherwise I think I'm happy with all that for permanent 24/7 use. Reasonable? I'm most concerned with the vinput, is that setting ok for 24/7? I'm pretty comfortable with the other settings and temps under stress.

Qwinn wrote:
Ok, so, if anyone's interested, here's where I'm at now.

Thanks for posting - it is interesting to see the "full" parameter set of other peoples OCs.
Regarding the cache OC I made similar experiences (with two different 5820K, one from Costa Rica, mfg date mid 2014; one from Malaysia mfg end of 2015).
A multiplier of 38x for the cache (and 1.2V) was only nearly stable for both CPUs (actually it was bench-stable but not for heavy real-life & scientific applications).
That is why I decided to stay with a 36x OC what could be achieved easily rock stable, in my case at 1.15 V.

I must add that I want to use adaptive voltage for the cache with additional turbo voltage (I dont wont to put the cache at 1.15 V all day during idle).

kaese wrote:
I must add that I want to use adaptive voltage for the cache with additional turbo voltage (I dont wont to put the cache at 1.15 V all day during idle).

Funny you should say that. I've read in half a dozen places that adaptive supposedly doesn't work at *all* for cache. And yet, I have gotten it mostly stable before. When this run is done I may try it again with changing to Adaptive 1.1 as my only change.

Here's the thing: I came to that 1.1v for 3.8Ghz setting by running cache at 38 multiplier with adaptive 1.2v total cache voltage. When I checked in HWInfo64 during an OCCT run, though, even though I was giving it leeway to go all the way up to 1.2v, it never actually went over something like 1.06v. So I plopped in manual 1.1v and so far it's fine. You may want to try a similar experiment and see what it actually uses under adaptive.

Qwinn wrote:

Max CPU package temp spike after 3 hour OCCT: 81c

My air cooler NH D15 does a better job than your AIO water cooler. I have never seen above 80C, not even upper 70's in stress test with below settings.

44x100 core adaptive +0.250v System Agent +0.030v everything else auto
40x100 uncore
2666 15-17-17-35-2 auto 1.2v

AdamC wrote:
My air cooler NH D15 does a better job than your AIO water cooler. I have never seen above 80C, not even upper 70's in stress test with below settings.

44x100 core adaptive +0.250v System Agent +0.030v everything else auto
40x100 uncore
2666 15-17-17-35-2 auto 1.2v

Did you tried with lower latency on your kit?
I had same latency and speed on my CORSAIR DP, I drop them to 15-15-15-35 1T.
I suppose than kit could work and on 2800 with C16 or default latency, but it's much easier like this.

I tried and it was unstable. It would hang immediately in game. The factory spec is 3000 15-16-16-35-2 1.35v. I was able to run it at 3000 before but ended up more often with "cold-boot-unplug ".

Vlada011 wrote:
Did you tried with lower latency on your kit?
I had same latency and speed on my CORSAIR DP, I drop them to 15-15-15-35 1T.
I suppose than kit could work and on 2800 with C16 or default latency, but it's much easier like this.

Level 9
Im starting to have a grudge on OCCT 😛

I can run 8 hours on AIDA and 8 hours on RealBench without a glitch - where temps wont go above 70

OCCT will rise temps up to 84 on the same conditions and fail after 5 or 6 hours with BSOD. What does OCCT do to my processor and is it really instability? Everything seems fine on real life so...

Pleot wrote:
Im starting to have a grudge on OCCT 😛

I can run 8 hours on AIDA and 8 hours on RealBench without a glitch - where temps wont go above 70

OCCT will rise temps up to 84 on the same conditions and fail after 5 or 6 hours with BSOD. What does OCCT do to my processor and is it really instability? Everything seems fine on real life so...

Didn't know this OCCT will stress CPU more than realbench or prim.

Level 11
"OCCT will rise temps up to 84 on the same conditions and fail after 5 or 6 hours with BSOD. What does OCCT do to my processor and is it really instability?"

I think it is. I passed all other bench tests too, but would then, rarely, like every few days, crash in Witcher 3. I figured it was just app conflicts, or issues with 3D Vision and the fixes I had installed. When OCCT discovered some instability and I resolved it, the crashes in Witcher 3 went away too. I suppose if you *never* crash in your games or your other apps, then there's no need to worry about OCCT, but if you ever do, OCCT is pretty damn good at establishing, or eliminating, instability as the cause.

I actually think I just discovered why I haven't been able to get an OC on the cache working. I didn't realize it needs a boost to vcore as well (I know, Raja says so in his guide, but I guess I fixated on the system agent part as I was less familiar with it and overlooked pumping vcore). I'm approaching my attempts from the other side now, giving it more than I think it'll need, and if I can get stability then I'll start dropping voltages till I get unstable.