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ThunderboltEX 3 firmware update ?

Level 8

I have a ThunderboltEX 3 card running on my RVE. Since Intel latest drivers, posted in december and needed for W10 AU full compliance, I get at each W10 boot a popup to update my firmware that directs me here :

Thing is Asus hasn't posted a single FW update for the ThunderboltEX 3. It's running a very old firmware that doesn't support any modern TB devices. Level is NVM 8.xx with no support for external GFX or Network (to mention a few).

Can anyone at Asus update us on the status of the TB3EX board ? Is it still supported ? Will there be a firmware update ? When ?

125 REPLIES 125

hellokitty wrote:
well now they want me to rma it, after months and numerous pointless emails. They need to get there support together. well i just bought a Gigabyte Alpine ridge thunderbolt 3 card, very hard to find, coming from germany. from what i have read this should work, but i wonder if it will have same issues?

Would be interesting to see if the board they ship back after RMA is of a different hardware revision. Could be also interesting to check if they manually upgrade the firmware 😛 As for the Gigabyte board I know they have one but I'm not sure you can hook it on the platform to retrieve the display signal ?

Still RMAing rather than offering a long overdue firmware update is kind of... strange ? 😉

The gigabyte card has double 2 usb c 2 mini displayport and hdmi. some people put the ex3 in a gigabyte board and it worked, so i think this should work. the video is just a pass thru.

Hey guys,

I feel like I found my people when I stumbled across this thread.

I also own the X99 Deluxe-II and am struggling to get my Thunderbolt EX 3 card to work. I built my machine for high-end video editing and effects. Nearly all of my clients are Mac users, so they bring me their projects on Thunderbolt-equipped drives. I've also got a Thunderbolt-based Pegasus RAID I need to connect to at work.

When I first built my machine, the EX 3 card actually worked fairly effortlessly (this was in September). I believe it was plugged into PCIEX16_5, Thunderbolt header cable attached, and I installed the Windows drivers from Asus' website.

But at a certain point Thunderbolt just stopped being recognized.

Like earlier posts in this thread, I was experiencing intermittent "dropouts." I'd go into the BIOS, and in the NB System Agent, instead of seeing "Linked as X4" I'd see "Not Present." And in Windows, I'd lose any mention of Thunderbolt in the Device Manger, in SIV, and the little Thunderbolt icon would stop appearing in the system tray.

I spent (wasted) days shuffling around my PCIE cards (I also have a M.2 drive, a Titan X Pascal, and a BlackMagic 4K Mini Monitor in my PCIE slots), reinstalling drivers, scouring Internet forums, following arcane procedures (remove the EX 3 card but leave the header cable plugged in, reboot into Windows, install drivers, reinstall card, start Windows with Tbolt off in BIOS, restart, say ten Hail Marys, turn on Tbolt in Bios, restart, etc.).

Long story short, I am only able to get Tbolt recognition in Windows / BIOS by UNPLUGGING MY PC, leaving it off for 10-ish seconds, plugging back in, and rebooting. That allows my BIOS to see "Linked as X4," and Thunderbolt shows up in SIV, in Device Manager, in the System Tray.

Not that it actually works, however. If I plug in a USB device to the Type-A slot in the EX 3, I hear the sad "boodoop" and a notification pops up that says "USB Device not recognized." And if I start my machine with a Thunderbolt equipped drive plugged into the USB-C type Tbolt port, well, there's no reaction on Windows part whatsoever. No "boodoop," no notification. If I double click the Tbolt icon in the system tray, I'm staring at an empty white window. No Tbolt devices recognized.

I called Asus support yesterday, and had a long conversation about this with their front line support team. They were incredibly nice, but of course the feedback was limited to "did you update the drivers, are you running the latest BIOS, etc." I did get the person to escalate my case to the "advanced team." I was hopeful about that, before I read in this thread that others had been promised the advanced team and gotten radio silence. I did ask the support guy to simply google "EX 3 card doesn't work" and to marvel at the many results. I also complained about the Tbolt drivers on the website being from ONE YEAR AGO. He seemed to understand my frustration.

So my question to you is, how did the RMA go mentioned in a previous post? New Tbolt card any better? Also, for the person who's trying a Gigabyte card in the Asus X99-Deluxe II...that's an intriguing option, and I can't imagine it working, but does it?

I'm also heartened to hear that the EX 2 card be honest most of my Tbolt devices are still display-port shaped Thunderbolt, so "downgrading" to the EX 2, if I can find one for sale, is an option for me.


Jefe533 wrote:
Hey guys,

I feel like I found my people when I stumbled across this thread.

I also own the X99 Deluxe-II and am struggling to get my Thunderbolt EX 3 card to work. I built my machine for high-end video editing and effects. Nearly all of my clients are Mac users, so they bring me their projects on Thunderbolt-equipped drives. I've also got a Thunderbolt-based Pegasus RAID I need to connect to at work.

When I first built my machine, the EX 3 card actually worked fairly effortlessly (this was in September). I believe it was plugged into PCIEX16_5, Thunderbolt header cable attached, and I installed the Windows drivers from Asus' website.

But at a certain point Thunderbolt just stopped being recognized.

Like earlier posts in this thread, I was experiencing intermittent "dropouts." I'd go into the BIOS, and in the NB System Agent, instead of seeing "Linked as X4" I'd see "Not Present." And in Windows, I'd lose any mention of Thunderbolt in the Device Manger, in SIV, and the little Thunderbolt icon would stop appearing in the system tray.

I spent (wasted) days shuffling around my PCIE cards (I also have a M.2 drive, a Titan X Pascal, and a BlackMagic 4K Mini Monitor in my PCIE slots), reinstalling drivers, scouring Internet forums, following arcane procedures (remove the EX 3 card but leave the header cable plugged in, reboot into Windows, install drivers, reinstall card, start Windows with Tbolt off in BIOS, restart, say ten Hail Marys, turn on Tbolt in Bios, restart, etc.).

Long story short, I am only able to get Tbolt recognition in Windows / BIOS by UNPLUGGING MY PC, leaving it off for 10-ish seconds, plugging back in, and rebooting. That allows my BIOS to see "Linked as X4," and Thunderbolt shows up in SIV, in Device Manager, in the System Tray.

Not that it actually works, however. If I plug in a USB device to the Type-A slot in the EX 3, I hear the sad "boodoop" and a notification pops up that says "USB Device not recognized." And if I start my machine with a Thunderbolt equipped drive plugged into the USB-C type Tbolt port, well, there's no reaction on Windows part whatsoever. No "boodoop," no notification. If I double click the Tbolt icon in the system tray, I'm staring at an empty white window. No Tbolt devices recognized.

I called Asus support yesterday, and had a long conversation about this with their front line support team. They were incredibly nice, but of course the feedback was limited to "did you update the drivers, are you running the latest BIOS, etc." I did get the person to escalate my case to the "advanced team." I was hopeful about that, before I read in this thread that others had been promised the advanced team and gotten radio silence. I did ask the support guy to simply google "EX 3 card doesn't work" and to marvel at the many results. I also complained about the Tbolt drivers on the website being from ONE YEAR AGO. He seemed to understand my frustration.

So my question to you is, how did the RMA go mentioned in a previous post? New Tbolt card any better? Also, for the person who's trying a Gigabyte card in the Asus X99-Deluxe II...that's an intriguing option, and I can't imagine it working, but does it?

I'm also heartened to hear that the EX 2 card be honest most of my Tbolt devices are still display-port shaped Thunderbolt, so "downgrading" to the EX 2, if I can find one for sale, is an option for me.


If you follow my procedure a few posts back it will work. For USB3.1 to work you need to enable usb and boot support from within TB settings in BIOS. The symptoms you experience are exactly the same as mine. I noticed however, that if I switch power switch to off on my PSU after shutting down normally from Windows, the card does not "drop off" of my BIOS any more. I cannot explain why this is happening, I guess it has something to do with voltage present on board at all times. For what is worth, I also use a UPS to power my rig and it's connected with its own USB cable to one port on the ASMEDIA controller.

Well it works, I thought it would. Let's see how long. 😄 6425964260

Enjoy a lot when i am tired of work. I am working as a writer at research paper topics

Level 11
Yeh i am still waiting on the Gigabyte card, it is in america somewhere? just cleared customs 2 days ago. I rma the other card, no word on it, they will just send a new card maybe and dismiss us and our issues. Yeh i originally bought my card in october and it worked at first for like 3 months, then it started with the same issues as evereyone here. Get the thunderbolt EX 2 Dual if you can, i just got a Universal Audio Apollo Twin Quad and it is working great, it does not like working with thunderbolt docks, cause i think it has problems with there built in audio maybe? i dont know, i tried 2 different docks and had some issues. well anyway, i will have more info soon.

Level 8
Brilliant picture. Should be titled "To make an Asus works, get the Gigabyte". Or something like that 😛

linxeye wrote:
Brilliant picture. Should be titled "To make an Asus works, get the Gigabyte". Or something like that 😛

Cool! Thank you for posting this! I just ordered the Asus Thunderbolt EX II/Dual and am now regretting that purchase a bit as I see you've got Tbolt 3 working with the Gigabyte.

Were you able to get a Thunderbolt external hard drive to work?

Also, what did you do about the drivers and BIOS settings? Did you install the Windows Tbolt drivers from the Asus EX 3 site? Or did you install Windows Tbolt drivers from Gigabyte?

What kind of BIOS settings were you rocking in the Mobo? I'm guessing you enabled Tbolt in the Advanced Tab, set the AIC Location to correspond to wherever you physically installed the card. What about the obscure stuff, like "GPIO3" power, the fast boot tweaks, Legacy vs UniqueID, etc?

Did you have to perform any trickery? Like booting up with the header plugged in but NOT the card, installing drivers, rebooting with the card in, running into Windows but without enabling Tbolt in BIOS, then rebooting WITH Tbolt enabled, etc.?

Or was the experience more or less plug and play?

Thank you again for following up!

Level 11
I turned off computer, put new card in, went into the bios and just looked at the settings, did not change anything. I would wait a bit before buying one of these, since you got the other card coming. I have been using the drivers for this card with my thunderbolt ex 2 dual. I think they are the latest from intel. I dont have a Thunderbolt drive, but im useing The Apollo Twin MarkII Quad with it. I have other devices from Sonnet i can test with it, but so far no problems.