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Shutting down Win 10 BUT PC keeps running

Level 7
Hi I check the energy settings, bios is oke but everytime I schut down win 10 my screens turns black in stand buy what's normal but the computer itselfs wont shut down ! I have to put down for a few seconds the start stop button, then de computer stops. But when I start the PC again, each time I got the message pres F1 overklocking falliure. So I go into the bios, change nothing press F10 and the PC starts normal. But then again if I shut down Win 10 the PC keep on going until i press down the start stop button.
Any idee what that could be ??? I have a i7 5930K watercooled

Level 11
I suspect if you wait a couple of minutes it will finally finish shutting down. You've probably got hibernation on. It basically trades a longer shutdown time (and yes, it can seem to take a very long time, a few minutes isn't unusual) for a very fast boot the next time you turn it on.

I personally turned hibernation off, and my system shuts down as quickly as you'd normally expect.

If you reset the computer the way you're doing, you'll always get that F1 overclock failure.

Level 10
Check your event viewer for logs at the time you turn it off then seek help from a software support forum as I doubt it is anything to do with the hardware.

Level 9
Looks like some program or process that is preventing shutdown, that is the kind of problem that could be anything between the sky and the earth 😄

Pleot wrote:
Looks like some program or process that is preventing shutdown, that is the kind of problem that could be anything between the sky and the earth 😄

I hade this problems with windows 10 fastboot option. Do u use this feature??

Level 11
Yes, the fastboot feature is what I was referring to in my post, basically.