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RVE10 : NVMe and other PCIe stuff

Level 8
Hello there,

I'm willing to upgrade my old 850 Pro SSD to a NVMe one (950 or Intel new P6xx). I'm wondering how this could impact the RVE10 PCIe chain ? I need 2x 16x for the GFX as well as 1x for a dedicated sound card. Oh yeah and if I can keep onboard USB 3.1 and Bluetooth I'm happy.

Is that possible ? Or am I at risk of making silly choices ?

Thanks !

Level 8
Depends on your CPU.

If you are using a 40 lane CPU everything is fine.

With a 28 lane CPU you wouldn't be able to run both graphics cards at 16x anyways.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Level 8
Yep I have a 40 lanes CPU. So there's no constraint in the setup I envision ?

Level 8
No constraints there, you are good to go. 🙂

Just keep in mind that some PCIe lanes are shared, so plug your sound card in a PCIe slot that does not share bandwidth with the m.2 slot.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

On the topic of NVMe does anyone know if the issues on G751 laptops was resolved, i am looking at getting a Samsung S951 (OEM) 512GB SSD in AHCI variety.
They are very hard to find had no luck in Australia, sold out and apparently been discontinued whereas NVMe models are much cheaper faster and can be bought everywhere.
I have spoke to people from Samsung, and Intel and they say this is an issue for ASUS and that changes needed to be made to the BIOS, trying to explain this to
consultants on the Asus Live chat it futile, the last guy told me these laptops only support NGFF 2280 etc haha deary me, when i asked him what that stood for he didn't know.
So i said, NGFF Next gen for factor 2280 width and length of M2, he couldn't grasp AHCI vs NVMe, all id like to know is there any models of those out there that users
have working as windows boot drives otherwise il just have to stick with buying the SM951 in AHCI, it's disappointing to hear Intel and Samsung say this would work
if Asus brought out a new BIOS for supporting models!