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Recent Bluescreens Tied to Bluetooh

Level 7
So I've been encountering bluescreens recently and crash dumps seem to conclude that it is the Bluetooth drivers causing the crash.

Basic system info:

Motherboard: x99 Deluxe
CPU: i7 5930k @ 4.0 ghz
MEMORY: 16 gb 2400 G.Skill RIpjaws (4 x 4 gb)
Current BIOS: 3701
Operating System: Windows 10 Professional

Issuing the command !irp in the WinDbg tool on the crash dump yields the following information:

0 e1 ffffaa050ad91770 00000000 fffff80ea10d5b40-ffffaa050ade0180 Success Error Cancel pending
\Driver\ACPI bcbtums
Args: 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000
0 e0 ffffaa050ade0030 00000000 fffff80ea113bc70-00000000 Success Error Cancel
\Driver\bcbtums bthport!DevicePowerUpComplete
Args: 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000
0 e1 ffffaa050abdea00 00000000 fffff8036df39ed0-ffffaa0509eccf00 Success Error Cancel pending
\Driver\BTHUSB nt!PopRequestCompletion
Args: 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000

This was not an issue prior to bios 3701. Before that I was on bios 1801. Is the bios possibly influencing this behavior or is that just a coincidence?

A further look into the driver itself yields the following information:

0: kd> lmvm bcbtums
Browse full module list
start end module name
fffff80e`a10d0000 fffff80e`a1104000 bcbtums (no symbols)
Loaded symbol image file: bcbtums.sys
Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\bcbtums.sys
Image name: bcbtums.sys
Browse all global symbols functions data
Timestamp: Mon Mar 23 17:31:26 2015 (5510862E)
CheckSum: 00037FB3
ImageSize: 00034000
File version:
Product version:
File flags: 8 (Mask 3F) Private
File OS: 40004 NT Win32
File type: 3.6 Driver
File date: 00000000.00000000
Translations: 0409.04b0
CompanyName: Broadcom Corporation.
ProductName: Bluetooth Software
InternalName: BCBTUMS.SYS
OriginalFilename: BCBTUMS.SYS
FileDescription: Broadcom Bluetooth Firmware Download Filter
LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2000-2012, Broadcom Corporation.

Now, I'm not currently using the Bluetooth for anything at current but I do occasionally connect devices to it. There are no Bluetooth mice or keyboards involved and no other devices connected to the Bluetooth radio at the time of the bluescreen.

Any further thoughts would be appreciated while I troubleshoot this issue.

Level 7
Okay, so after digging into this a bit I've decided to roll my BIOS back to a version prior to i7-X series processor support. I'm currently on BIOS version 2101 and things are looking a bit better already though it is far too early to have a definitive answer. My thoughts are that adding in the new processor support likely added in power settings and hardware support differences that might have introduced the issues I'm seeing here.

I will post back here with further results in a few days to confirm if this was indeed a fix for this issue or not. If it is, then those of us on x99 Deluxe boards with older generation processors might considering sticking to an older BIOS more suited for our hardware. If not, then I'm going to need a ton more caffeine and time to troubleshoot and test.

No dice on the BIOS being the issue. Not sure what is causing this issue. I've pulled down all OC settings and tested. Same issue. The Bluetooth adapter just stops responding after sleep mode. Plan and simple. Then the bluescreen. A shame really.

I suppose something I should have tried sooner was dropping to older Bluetooth drivers. That seems to have had an much greater impact on the situation. Time will tell. Hopefully this can help someone else out there. If this is the solution, then the drivers I dropped to were version:


Well, this also didn't work. What I have resorted to is disabling the ability of OS to bring any of my USB ports or my Bluetooth adapter to a low power state. This should "fix" the issue in that it won't happen anymore but this hardly feels like a fix.