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Random restarts with 3009 and 3101

Level 7
I have used every single bios extensively as they have been released; all on default settings. With bios 3009 and 3101, I am experiencing random, hard resets. This doesn't happen under load; it can happen even at idle or small load. Oddly, I didn't even have this issue with the beta 3008 bios. Any suggestions as I would like to keep my bios up to date.
235 REPLIES 235

where_exactly wrote:
Hey Guys i see that im not the only one with random restarts on this Motherboard i got MB Rampage V Extreme U3.1, CPU Intel i7-6800K, PSU Fortron Everest 80Plus 800, RAM Corsair Vengeance® LPX Memorykit 16 GB, OCZ Agility 3 64gb (yes i know an old one want to buy something better in future), GPU Asus GTX970 GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5 Strix, Fan COOLERMASTER HYPER 212 Evo. So and as i buyed motherboard, fan, cpu (the rest i had in my old PC) i did BIOS flash on the version 3301, then i instaled the rest OS, drivers and so on started my pc and then after few hours it retarded itself did find it strange but i was thinking just some random failure, but then it happend again and then again and now it happens randomly few time trough the day does not matter if i do something like gaming or just idle i checked the temperatures CPU GPU everything is fine i checked the PSU messed the voltage wiht Multimeter i tested RAM i did test the SSD so it kinda shows in the Direction that the issue is the Motherboard, what should i do is there any solution?

Try 3402

Andrew_WOT wrote:
Try 3402

do you use the DIP5?

hello i have r5e and update bios to 3402 after my pc not boost restart again. help my.

Two days with 0044 and no random restart.

Kriminal73 wrote:
Two days with 0044 and no random restart.

Where i can download this bios 0044?

Hi, all!

I've been fighting with this issue for months, and here's what I've learned:

* I've tried two different, brand-new R5E/U3.1 units and they were both afflicted with the same issue
* I've isolated the memory (i.e. used different / less memory), and it's not the cause
* I've isolated the video cards (i.e. used different), and they're not the cause
* I've isolated the PSU (used two different PSUs), and it's not the cause
* I've isolated the power feed to the PSU (both direct-to-wall and through-UPS), and it's not the cause
* I've *not* isolated the CPU, but I have no reason to suspect that it's the cause

Importantly, in researching this issue I found that the ASUS ROG Surge Protector can be a contributing factor because it seems to be overzealous and this can cause stability issues. However, turning it off had no effect in restoring full stability - I've had many crashes all the while the surge protector was OFF. Whether it's safe or not to turn off: ASUS support told me directly over the phone that it's safe to turn it off if there's a Voltage Regulator feeding the PSU (i.e. like my UPS has), or the PSU has its own OVP/OCP mechanisms (mine does). Otherwise, they recommend keeping it on.

At this point, this is what I've concluded:

* The reboots aren't "hard" reboots (i.e. same as pressing the reset button), but instead are power-cycles: everything shuts down (PSU included), and powers up again.
** This type of power-cycle can also be seen when performing a BIOS update, or BIOS-chip switch (via BIOS menus).
* They events are completely random - load is not a factor, heat is not a factor, voltage is not a factor, connected devices don't appear to be factors
* The issue happens irrelevant of O/S in use (I run both Windows 10 and Linux)

At this point I'm out of ideas. ASUS may think that RMA-ing the board is a solution, but as I said: two different, brand-new boards had the same behavior. Either their QA is truly shoddy, or I'm extremely unlucky. Or the most likely reason: there's an issue with the board in general.

I'm all ears for ideas and suggestions, especially from any ROG Gurus out there. I should also add that I installed 3402 this morning, and not 2 hours after installing and everything running normally, I had an instance of the event. So I can confirm that 3402 doesn't fix anything.

Level 7
Can you run 2101, that one was universally stable for everyone.

I don't know - does that version support the I7 5930K?

GoatHumper wrote:
I don't know - does that version support the I7 5930K?

That's what I have, worked like a charm.

Andrew_WOT wrote:
That's what I have, worked like a charm.

My concern is: what about the other "stability fixes" from the newer versions? Do we know what those are about? Mind you: I just want to understand what I'd be giving up with the older BIOS. I had also planned to buy a latest-gen CPU soon, and using the older BIOS likely would preclude that.
