Hey Guys i see that im not the only one with random restarts on this Motherboard i got MB Rampage V Extreme U3.1, CPU Intel i7-6800K, PSU Fortron Everest 80Plus 800, RAM Corsair Vengeance® LPX Memorykit 16 GB, OCZ Agility 3 64gb (yes i know an old one want to buy something better in future), GPU Asus GTX970 GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5 Strix, Fan COOLERMASTER HYPER 212 Evo. So and as i buyed motherboard, fan, cpu (the rest i had in my old PC) i did BIOS flash on the version 3301, then i instaled the rest OS, drivers and so on started my pc and then after few hours it retarded itself did find it strange but i was thinking just some random failure, but then it happend again and then again and now it happens randomly few time trough the day does not matter if i do something like gaming or just idle i checked the temperatures CPU GPU everything is fine i checked the PSU messed the voltage wiht Multimeter i tested RAM i did test the SSD so it kinda shows in the Direction that the issue is the Motherboard, what should i do is there any solution?