Qwinn wrote:
Check out the sticky thread "R5E VCCIN LLC 7 and 8 measured" thread. It's consistent with what you're describing if your LLC is set to 9.
That was my first step and candidate so I set it to 1 no change still adding stupid ammounts of voltage, when cpu testing in occt.
I've gone back to manual volting and got the cpu running at 4.4ghz with the memory ring at 3000Mhz which is a improvement over the voltages and speed I was getting.
Loadline calibration setting seems to do nothing at all I've obsevered no change to setting it at 1 to 9, seems useless.
And on the USB 3.1 board there seems to be a bug whereby turbo voltage is being applied underload automatically even when speedstep and turbo are both disabled, in all types of volting in a manner I don't understand why its happening or any means to stop it.
But it doesn't appear to be LLC that's the culprit infact that option appears to do little to nothing on my board.