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Need some advice on ram.

Level 9

I need some help and advice, on wish ram would be the best to upgrade to. if it's worth upgrading offcourse 😛

currently im using Crusial Ballistix sport DDR4 2400mhz 16gb Quad channel ram with 16-16-16-35 timing

i want the best ram with best performance in the 2400mhz line

i'm looking at

Kingston HyperX 16 GB DDR4-2400 Quad-Kit 12-13-13-33 for 122euros wish is cheap and fast timings.
G.Skill 16 GB DDR4-2400 Quad Kit Timings: CL14 14-14-34

would i see an improvement in speed with games and overall experience? compared to my ballistix what im using right now?

i could go higher speeds like 2666mhz, 2800mhz or 3000mhz but only if it benefits overall usage.

Arne Saknussemm wrote:

One question...why set max cache to leave that to auto so it scales up to 35 same as core....

hey Arne!

thx man! yeah i will try to set it all on auto , and try to do some stability test and check if it can handle it on auto 😄


i have uncore on Auto now and did stability test it. works like a charm! still at 0.848v SA. if i would try to lower the timings on my ram , from 15-15-15-35 what would be a good start to lower? ex 14-14-14-33? i cross my finger i got a decent ramkit 🙂 so far i got a good CPU, atleast IMC 😛

Level 40
You could try to OC it to 3200 first at same timings...

And/or maybe try to change 2T to 1T

Timings is a whole other ball game...hard to know what will work and at what voltage.

It would be useful to know what ram chips your kit has....use something like RAMMON to see if you can see who manufactured the chips....Hynix or Samsung or...

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
You could try to OC it to 3200 first at same timings...

And/or maybe try to change 2T to 1T

Timings is a whole other ball game...hard to know what will work and at what voltage.

It would be useful to know what ram chips your kit has....use something like RAMMON to see if you can see who manufactured the chips....Hynix or Samsung or...

it says ''DRAM manufacture - Samsung. hope it's good 😛 i will try to set it on 3200mhz right now and will be editing the comment when done after a few stabillity tests 😄

Level 40
OK...yes, samsung make some very good RAM ICs

I have a Hynix kit and thought I could pass on some timings but they will be of no use....

I think that yes, with the Samsung memory you can try for 14-14-14....or even 13-13-13 but people are raising voltage of course to run that...

test done! i got some interesting results but pretty clueless about it.... this is with Aida bench! and 3250mhz booted without a problem but with higher SA offcourse.

@3000mhz / VCCSA 0.848v - CL15-15-15-35 / 1.35v

Memory Readings - 53031 MB/s
Writing - 51440 MB/s
Copy - 59221 MB/s
Respons - 64.7ns

@3000mhz / VCCSA 1.16v - CL15-15-15-35 2T / 1.35v

Memory Readings - 53072 MB/s
Writing - 51339 MB/s
Copy - 58924 MB/s
Respons - 64.7ns

@3250mhz / VCCSA 1.16v - CL15-15-15-35 2T / 1.35v

Memory Readings - 44615 MB/s
Writing - 25718 MB/s
Copy - 38758 MB/s
Respons - 62.3ns

pretty strange that 3000mhz performed better than 3250mhz..?


i lowered the timings with good results! will try even tighter now , this is what i got without raising any VCCSA or DRAM voltages 🙂

@3000mhz / VCCSA 0.848v - CL14-14-14-35 2T / 1.35v

Memory Readings - 53972 MB/s
Writing - 51442 MB/s
Copy - 59785 MB/s
Respons - 63.3 ns

Level 9
now i got another problem 😞 it wont even read 1 memory on startup. i did reset CMOS and activated XMP on 3000mhz but it only detects 12gb instead of 16. even VCCSA @ 1.16 😕 did my IMC degrade that fast? BIOS detects 16gb of ram at 2133mhz. but looks like my CPU or Ram degraded, or can it be an OS corruption?

Level 40
I doubt anything has broken.

How are you clearing CMOS...removing power from board waiting and when board goes dark...clear CMOS?

Double check things are seated right...

VCCSA is not the only voltage....Vdimm is just as important....when OCing you might need a bit more Vdimm and maybe a bit more VCCSA but I'd increase vdimm first.....

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
I doubt anything has broken.

How are you clearing CMOS...removing power from board waiting and when board goes dark...clear CMOS?

Double check things are seated right...

VCCSA is not the only voltage....Vdimm is just as important....when OCing you might need a bit more Vdimm and maybe a bit more VCCSA but I'd increase vdimm first.....

Hey Arne! 🙂

yeah im doing a new fresh install of Win 10 because when i went from 13-13-13-35 T1 i got a OS corruption and i think it play a part on the faulth. im trying fresh now, almost done with all updates etc. and i will start over from scratch 🙂 god i love the tries/fails with OC.

Level 40
Well, Win 8, 8.1 and win 10 are delicate...a lot more delicate than Win 7....a few OC crashes and OS can be toast....these days I try to do OCing on separate disk and leave daily OS alone.

Have to say though...usually if a stick of RAM drops out it is usually BIOS or physical mounting (sometimes CPU) or voltage that needs re-checking

When you install OS it is usually best to do so at stable F5 defaults and then do the OCing...otherwise instability might corrupt fresh install and then it's a vicious cycle...

But yeah, all part of the fun :rolleyes:

Level 8
I can recommend the g.skill 32 GB quad 3200 kit (F4-3200C14Q-32GVK). XMP timings are 14-14-14-34. With a bit of bclk bump and just a little extra voltage, this stuff runs fine at 3380. Limit seems to be just above 3400 even with loose timing. Have run it XMP 3200 as tight as 12-12-12 with extra voltage but 13-13-13 is probably the 24/7 limit. Not sure that screaming fast/tight quad DDR4 is going to give much in real world performance gain. At around 240 USD, it's not priced all that badly compared to the slower 16 GB kits.