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I7-5960x died on MOBO wthis bios 3301

Level 7
Hi All,

My CPU died yesterday on my Mobo !!!
This CPU seems to be very fragil !:mad:

Level 40
Ouch! Sad to hear...:(

Overclocking? what voltage if so?

Level 7
I had a 5960x die after a month of use on the mobo as well. VCache and VCore were definitely in the safe range of 1.2 to 1.3 and 1.3 to 1.4 according to
I believe there's a voltage that's bugged on the RVE. It scales way too high when the cpu is overclocked. Don't recall which voltage that is. When you get a replacement setting that voltage manually might help. Someone else on here might know which voltage that is.

Level 7
I was overcloked to 4.2 GHZ @ 1.28 VCORE and the 1.2 for the cache (@3.5GHZ). I believe too that one voltage is bugged . So when Intel send my new PROC, i think i will set my voltage all manually.
The bios USED was the 3301 when my CPU died .

Level 7
Yeah, those are all supposed to be within safe ranges. How long was your chip running for?

Level 7
My chip was buy in september 2014

Level 7
At least it lived a long life. Still trying to figure out why my old chip died after just a month of use.

Zarathustraa wrote:
At least it lived a long life. Still trying to figure out why my old chip died after just a month of use.

Long life is 5 years. Not 2.:D
Damn some people change hardware so fast.
My economic situation create completely different perspective.

When you say I think I will set voltage manually when new CPU arrive what you thought...
How you set voltage before CPU die? Adaptive? Auto?

Vlada011 wrote:
Long life is 5 years. Not 2.:D
Damn some people change hardware so fast.
My economic situation create completely different perspective.

When you say I think I will set voltage manually when new CPU arrive what you thought...
How you set voltage before CPU die? Adaptive? Auto?

Yeah, it would have been preferable to have it at least last until Skylake E comes out.

Level 7
a cpu should not die period..setting most of the volts manually all the ones i can i do it
i dont trust any motherboard with auto settings

bad to hear that

no upgrade path for me till the kaby lake E or so on......