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Disconnecting Reconnecting USB Ports

Level 7
I've read a few posts about this problem and was wondering if a solution has ever been found?

My computer is disconnecting and reconnecting the USB ports all the time. I use all of them at the same time I got a lot going on! I'm using the 1701 bios everything is updated power management was adjust nothing. The only thing I didn't try was disabling 3.1 or 3.0 USB in bios not sure if that will work? I had a friend tell me to buy a PCI-2 slot USB card ... Not sure what else to do 😞 Only thing I recently changed was my graphics card to a 1080ti could this be a power supply problem? As well my internet download speed is terrible used to get 30mbps but now I get 7mbps, I think thats my ISP they messed up my modem.

CPU - i7 6800k
Cooler - Corsair H100i v2 (Water)
Mother Board - Asus ROG X99 Strix
Ram - Corsair Vengeance (2x8GB 3000mghz)
Storage - Samsung SSD Evo 850 (500gb)
GPU - EVGA GeForce 1080ti
Power - 850w Silver M2 Silent Pro
Monitor - Asus VG248QE 24” 144hz
Mouse - Razor Death Adder Elite
Webcam - Logitec C920
Mic - Blue Yeti

CORSAIR LINK 4 every time i start it it crashes my USB ports .... what the hell

Level 12
My personal experience made me realize that the USB driver downloaded to the motherboard support caused these problems of unwanted disconnections.
I uninstalled ASUS USB drivers and i have searched and updated my drivers by Windows update and since I have no problems with unwanted disconnections.
For Corsair Link, turn off the PC and unplug the USB plug from the motherboard, and reconnect it. Then turn on your PC and check, it should get better.

Curious to know whether or not Asus has offered a fix for this problem on the GL704GW?
Consideirng its virtually a desktop replacement for creators (as well as gamers obviously) we'll be plugging in and using exernal devices on teh regular...

I went and did those power tweaks as others have suggested and Im glad I found this problem now and not when Im rendering video or doing something critical.
One thing however is that if anyones experiencing this problem, DO NOT cut and paste... copy and paste is ok and your files are fine, but cutting will be a problem..

Thing is, it was disconnecting when the drives were in use. One drive was a SSD through the USBc and the other a 2.5' HDD..both using USB to sata connections without power coupling.. Regardless of what i was doing and at this time i was managing my archives so big chunks of copypasting... but even after making those power tweaks and as I literally write this, its disconnecting. This only happens when using the USBc port though... when using the standard ports it doesnt cut out. ...

So i connected a power supply to the one connected to the standard USB port. The USBc adapter doesnt have the option to run external power so the SSD is connected to tht one as it needs less power... so far so good...

but I wont have the option of a power coupling unless I get myself a USB to power DC input and use another USB port to feed power...

Thats my expereince anyway.. There are afew other variables and drive combinations I havent mentioned but this seems to be the problem....

So yeah, if anyone knows of a permanent fix that wont brick my mobo, that would be appreciated.

so as mentioned previousl y connected a power supply to the external hdd adapter...
It didnt fix the problem.. it slowed down the rate in whcih the disconnections occur, but they still happen...

I noticed it happens on the OSBc more often than the standard port, but I dont have another adapter to check this.

In any case, even with a powered HDD and another powered throguh USBc, those problems still happen...

not mipressed...

any help is apprcaited...

Hi all, adding to this thread as I'm having the same issue. While the normal front USB ports work fine, the blue USB 3.1 ports disconnect and reconnect every few minutes. Tried uninstalling the driver but it didn't help. I have a Z370-H MB. Any help would be appreciated.

Proeliator wrote:
Hi all, adding to this thread as I'm having the same issue. While the normal front USB ports work fine, the blue USB 3.1 ports disconnect and reconnect every few minutes. Tried uninstalling the driver but it didn't help. I have a Z370-H MB. Any help would be appreciated.

Similar problem here on a Z390-I. Probs are with both front and back USB ports.
Extremely unnerving when trying to backup/update cell phones which take as much time before the operation resets.... arrgghhhh!

Faced this problem. Seagate Backup Plus external powered hard drive. Disabled Selective suspend setting. And the BIOS settings turned off all gen3.2.